Agenda item


The purpose of the report is to recommend that the Dunsfold Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) (with boundary amendments) be adopted by the Council as a material consideration and used in the determination of any application for planning permission and listed building consent within the Conservation Area (CA).




It is recommended to the Council that the Conservation Area Appraisal for Dunsfold be adopted as a material planning consideration, to include the following amendments to the boundary:


  • Extension: War Memorial and common land between Oak Tree Lane and Mill Lane
  • Extension: Garden of the Long House
  • Extension & Removal: Northern tip of CA
  • Removal: Southern end of Nugent Close
  • Removal: Gardens of 1-4 Binhams Lea
  • Extension: Winn Hall
  • Extension & Removal: Garden of The White House
  • Extension: Garden of Yonder Lye



154.1         Dunsfold is one of 43 Conservation Areas (CAs) in Waverley. In 2011, the Executive agreed a programme for the commencement of CAAs which has been extended to 2020. Prior to the programme 4, CAAs had been adopted. Since the programme has commenced, 11 CAAs have been adopted, and Dunsfold will be the 12th to be adopted in the programme alongside Dunsfold Church. A copy of the latest version of the CAA, amended following the consulation, is attached as Annexe 2.


154.2         The need to undertake CAAs is set out in the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (Section 71) and is supported through saved Policy HE8 of the Waverley Local Plan and Emerging Local Plan Policy HA1.


154.3         CAAs are undertaken to identify and explain the character of the Conservation Area (CA).  This document identifies the specific qualities of the Dunsfold CA and thereby help to manage change within the area.  The Management Plan section also identifies a variety of projects that should be implemented to preserve and enhance the area.


154.4         It is considered pertinent for Waverley to undertake CAAs and this process allows for a review of the boundary and an assessment of adjacent areas to evaluate whether the boundary should be extended.


154.5         In the draft CAA prepared for consultation, fourextensions were proposed to the existing CA boundary. Additionally three areas were proposed to be removed from the CA and also two areas for part extension and part removal.            


154.6         A walkabout was conducted with the Local Councillor and representatives from the Parish Council.  A public consultation was undertaken to support the development of the CAA and to ask the public’s views of the proposed changes to the boundary. 


154.7         11 responses were received to the consultation and are summarised in a separate Consultation Statement.


154.8         Following consultation and consideration of the responses, one area (the properties Gorse View and Pondside) originally proposed for exclusion, is proposed to be retained in the CA.


154.9         Dunsfold CAA has been subject to a robust consultation process to ensure residents and interested stakeholders had the opportunity to comment.Once the document is adopted, it will be fully published to incorporate additional photographs and will be published on the Waverley website.


154.10      The Executive now




124.      the Conservation Area Appraisal for Dunsfold attached at Annexe 2 be adopted as a material planning consideration, to include the following amendments to the boundary:


         Extension: War Memorial and common land between Oak           Tree Lane and Mill Lane

         Extension: Garden of the Long House

         Extension & Removal: Northern tip of CA

         Removal: Southern end of Nugent Close

         Removal: Gardens of 1-4 Binhams Lea

         Extension: Winn Hall

         Extension & Removal: Garden of The White House

         Extension: Garden of Yonder Lye


[Reason: To adopt the Dunsfold Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA) (with boundary amendments) as a material consideration and used in the determination of any application for planning permission and listed building consent within the Conservation Area (CA).]


Supporting documents: