Agenda item

Revised Governance Policies

To obtain Committee endorsement of the revised policies enabling these to be published on the website and cascaded to all members of staff, members, partners, the Council’s suppliers, thus reinforcing Waverley’s stance of zero tolerance to Fraud, Corruption and Bribery.




It is recommended that the Committee:

1.       recommends to Council the revised policies set out in Annexe 1, 2, 3 and 4; and

2.       agrees that officers cascade and publicise these documents to all staff.


The Committee received updated versions of four governance polices which are set out at Annexes 1-4 to these minutes, as follows:-

·        Annexe 1 Whistleblowing Policy

·        Annexe 2 Corporate Anti-Fraud, Corruption and Bribery Policy

·        Annexe 3 Prosecution Policy

·        Annexe 4 Anti-Money Laundering Policy and Guidance


The Committee noted that the majority of changes were minor, reflecting changes in legislation and the organisational restructure affecting job titles and positions. The whistleblowing policy had also been clarified to ensure that any concerns relating to Member conduct should be reported to the Monitoring Officer.


The policies would continue to be reviewed annually by officers and where necessary be presented to the Audit Committee to be endorsed.


Members were pleased that these policies were in place, and asked officers to ensure they were thoroughly publicised to all staff. Officers reassured the Committee that the updated policies would be disseminated to relevant staff and that all new members of staff were briefed on these policies as part of the induction process.


The Committee




1.    The revised policies set out in Annexes 1-4 to these minutes be approved and adopted; and


2.    Officers be instructed to cascade and publicise these documents to all staff.


Background Papers


There are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to this report.

Supporting documents: