Agenda item


This report outlines the latest General Fund Budget position for 2017/18.  Members are reminded of the need to achieve savings throughout the four-year period covered by the Financial Strategy.  Information is provided on the details of the provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2017/18 and the Council’s financial position following this.


The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee is requested, in the light of the significant budget shortfall, to consider the cost savings, income generation and growth proposals identified in this report and make comments to the Executive on their relative priority, and make proposals on how Waverley’s Budget can be balanced in 2017/18. The Committee is also requested to consider the draft capital programme and fees and charges schedules and pass comments and observations to the Executive.




The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


1.            is requested, in the light of the significant budget shortfall, to consider the cost savings, income generation and growth proposals identified in this report and agree proposals to balance Waverley’s General Fund budget in 2017/18 to pass to the Executive;


2.            is requested to consider the draft capital programme and fees and charges schedules and pass comments and observations to the Executive.

Supporting documents: