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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Resources

This page lists the meetings for Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Resources.

Information about Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Resources

The role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees is to:

·        provide a constructive “critical friend” challenge

·        amplify the voices and concerns of the public

·        be led by independent people who take responsibility for their role

·        drive improvement in public services


Overview and Scrutiny has a role in policy development as well as holding the Executive to account.


Effective scrutiny enhances accountability, ensures transparency of decision-making, contributes to service improvement, and acts as a ‘check and balance’ on decision-makers.


Waverley’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees fulfill their general remit in relation to the following service areas:


Overview and Scrutiny – Resources

Overview and Scrutiny - Services

Communications and Customer Services

Housing Services

Assets and Property


Legal and Democratic Services

Organisational Development

Community Services

Environmental Services

Regulatory Services

Commercial Services

Regeneration and Planning Policy

Planning Development


This committee is the Council’s designated crime and disorder committee under s.19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006.



The Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources may, with the agreement of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Services, assume responsibility for an item that would normally fall into the remit of that committee if it has substantial revenue or capital funding implications.