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Guildford & Waverley Joint Senior Staff Committee

This page lists the meetings for Guildford & Waverley Joint Senior Staff Committee.


Information about Guildford & Waverley Joint Senior Staff Committee

Part 3 - Appendix 2 – Joint Committee Terms of Reference


Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council Joint Senior Staff Committee – Composition and Terms of Reference


The Joint Senior Staff Committee is to be established in accordance with Section 102 (1) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (Appointment of committees).


1.    Membership


The Joint Senior Staff Committee shall comprise 6 Councillors, being the respective Leader of each Council plus two Councillors appointed by Guildford Borough Council (one of whom shall be the Leader of the principal Opposition Group) and two Councillors appointed by Waverley Borough Council (one of whom shall be the Leader of the principal Opposition Group). The Committee shall be politically balanced for each Council in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.


2.     Appointment


Appointments shall be made in accordance with the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.


3.    Quorum


The quorum for a meeting of the Joint Senior Staff Committee shall be 3 members (subject to each Council being represented at any meeting by at least 1 member).


4.    Time & location of meetings


The venue and commencement time for meetings of the Joint Senior Staff Committee shall be determined by the Joint Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Leader of each Council, and shall normally alternate between the Civic Office of each Council.


5.     Chairman


The Joint Senior Staff Committee shall be chaired by the Leader of the Council at whose civic office the meeting is held. In their absence the meeting will be chaired by the Leader of the Council not hosting the meeting. In the absence of both Leaders, the chair will be elected by the meeting on the basis of a majority vote.


6.    Voting


Decisions of the Joint Senior Staff Committee shall be made by a majority vote of those members present and voting. A vote will be taken either by way of a show of hands or by electronic means. The Chairman shall have no second or casting vote. In circumstances where a majority decision cannot be made by the Joint Senior Staff Committee, the delegation of powers and function to the Committee, relating to that decision, will immediately cease. Any such decision will be referred to each Council for determination.




7.     Role


Adopting and exercising such of the functions of Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council (“the Councils”) as can be delegated by those Councils in respect of the appointment and disciplinary action relating to the Councils’ Joint Chief Executive, Joint Chief Officers and Joint Deputy Chief Officers as provided for by the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 (as amended) or any successor regulations.


8.    Frequency of meetings


Meetings will be arranged by the Joint Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Leader of each Council, on such occasions as is necessary to determine any business within its terms of reference.


9.    Substitute members


In the event of an appointed Councillor being unable to attend any meeting of the Joint Senior Staff Committee, the relevant Political Group Leader may appoint a Substitute Member, from the same Council, provided that prior written notice of such substitution is given to the Monitoring Officer by 5pm the working day prior to the meeting.


10.      Delegations


The Joint Senior Staff Committee may arrange for the discharge of their functions by an Officer and in doing so will set out clearly any limits upon such delegation.


11.      Working Groups


The Joint Senior Staff Committee may establish working groups to assist them in their work and in doing so will set clear terms of reference for them. Such working groups shall not be decision-making bodies.


12.      Sub-Committees


The Joint Senior Staff Committee may establish sub-committees consisting solely of the Members of one Council, to consider matters relating only to that Council.


13.     Officer Employment Procedure Rules


The Joint Senior Staff Committee shall operate in compliance with the Officer Employment Procedure Rules adopted by each Council into their Constitution.



14.0      Functions and Responsibilities




14.1             Joint Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service


(i)               Subject to (ii) below, to undertake and determine on behalf of the Councils all aspects of the process for the recruitment and selection of the Joint Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service, including final approval of the terms and conditions of employment (based on current provisions) for that post.

(ii)              The final decision as to the appointment of the joint Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service shall be reserved to each Council, and subject to no material or well-founded objection to the making of an offer of appointment being received by the Leader of either Council on behalf of their respective Executives.


(iii)            To determine pension discretions relating to the Joint Chief Executive/ Head of Paid Service.


(iv)            To consider any financial settlement of an affected employee who is unsuccessful in respect of the selection of the Joint Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service, and to make recommendations as appropriate for formal approval by each Council.


(v)             To confirm into post, or otherwise, the successful candidate following any probationary or trial period.


(vi)            To be responsible for ad-hoc employment matters affecting the Joint Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service post, including consideration and determination of any ‘cost of living’ pay award.


(vii)          To be responsible, subject to viii) below for any disciplinary action regarding the Joint Chief Executive / Head of Paid Service.


(viii)         The final decision to dismiss the Joint Chief Executive / Head of Paid Service shall be reserved to each Council and shall be subject to no material or well-founded objection to the proposed dismissal being received by the Leader of either Council on behalf of their respective Executives.



14.2          Joint Statutory Officer posts


(i)               Subject to (ii) below, to undertake and determine on behalf of the Councils all aspects of the process of recruitment and selection of any Joint Statutory Officer post.


(ii)              The final decision as to the appointment of any Joint Statutory Officer posts shall be reserved to each Council and, subject to no material or well-founded objection to the making of an offer of appointment being received by the Leader of either Council on behalf of their respective Executives


(iii)            To determine pension discretions relating to any Joint Statutory Officer posts.


(iv)            To consider any financial settlement of an affected employee who is unsuccessful in respect of the selection of any Joint Statutory Officer posts, and where necessary to make recommendations as appropriate for formal approval by each Council.


(v)             To be responsible for ad-hoc employment matters affecting any Joint Statutory Officer posts.


(vi)            To be responsible, subject to vii) below, for any disciplinary action regarding any Joint Statutory Officer.


(vii)          The final decision to dismiss any Joint Statutory Officer shall be reserved to each Council and shall be subject to no material or well-founded objection to the proposed dismissal being received by the Leader of either Council on behalf of their respective Executives.




14.3           Joint Strategic Directors


(i)               Subject to (ii) below, to undertake and determine on behalf of the Councils all aspects of the process for the appointment of any Joint Strategic Director.


(ii)              The appointment of any Joint Strategic Director shall be subject to no material or well-founded objection to the making of an offer of appointment being received by the Leader of either Council on behalf of their respective Executives.


(iii)            To determine pension discretions relating to any Joint Strategic Director.


(iv)            To consider any financial settlement of an affected employee who is unsuccessful in respect of the selection and appointment of any Joint Strategic Director, and where necessary to make recommendations as appropriate for formal approval by each Council.


(v)             To be responsible for ad-hoc employment matters affecting any Joint Strategic Director post.


(vi)            To be responsible, subject to vii) below, for any disciplinary action regarding any Joint Strategic Director.


(vii)          The dismissal of any Joint Strategic Director shall be subject to no material or well-founded objection to the proposed dismissal being received by the Leader of either Council on behalf of their respective Executives.



15. Servicing the Joint Senior Staff Committee


The Joint Senior Staff Committee shall be serviced by staff as agreed between the Democratic Services Managers of each Council.


The Joint Senior Staff Committee will be supported by professional advisors including legal advisors or human resources advisors as appropriate. The views of such advisors must be taken into account.






16. Meetings of the joint senior staff committee shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedure:


1.     A meeting of the Joint Senior Staff Committee shall be summoned by the Joint Monitoring Officer who shall give a minimum of five clear working days’ notice (or less in the case of urgency).


2.     Meetings of the Joint Senior Staff Committee shall be held in public except in so far as the matters for decision relate to issues which can be dealt with in private in accordance with Section 100A (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and the Committee resolve to exclude the public.


3.     The order of business at meetings of the Joint Senior Staff Committee shall include the following:


(a)               Apologies for Absence and Substitute Members;


(b)               Declarations of Interests;


(c)               Agreement and adoption of the Minutes of the previous meeting;


(d)               Matters set out in the agenda for the meeting;


(e)               Matters not set out in the agenda for the meeting but which the chairman agrees pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.