Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing Decisions - Thursday, 29th February, 2024 11.30 am

Venue: Committee Room 4, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Ben Bix  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations and Services) to approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 19 Octiober 2023.



Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations and Services), Cllr Paul Rivers, approved the minutes of the meeting held on the 19 October 2023.



To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.



There were no declarations of interest made.



The Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing to respond to any questions received from members of the public for which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is Monday 26 February 2024.



There were no questions from members of the public.



The Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for receipt of questions is Monday 26 February 2024.



There were no questions from members of the council.


HRA Planned Works: Kitchen and Bathroom Contract Extension pdf icon PDF 584 KB

The report outlines the request to an extension period of the existing planned works contract for kitchen and bathroom replacements with PILON from April 2024 to March 2026. 




That the Executive Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations and Services) approves: 


1.     An extension to the current PILON contract by two years (terms and conditions to remain the same) for planned kitchen and bathroom replacement works. 



Having considered the comments of the Landlord Services Advisory Board (Executive Working Group), the Executive Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr Paul Rivers,






1.      An extension to the current PILON contract by two years (terms and conditions to remain the same) for planned kitchen and bathroom replacement works.

 Reason(s) for Recommendation:

1.     Waverley have a duty to ensure that all their homes have reasonably modern facilities and meet the Decent Homes standard.


2.     PILON currently supplies planned kitchen and bathroom replacement services to Waverley via a measured term contract, which was signed in June 2022, and procured on a ‘2+2’ year term.


3.     Waverley have developed a good working relationship with the incumbent contractor, PILON. The quality of the product delivered on-site over the last 18 months has been consistent.  PILON are providing a good service and value for money.


4.     The Planned Works Team recommend extending this current arrangement for two years until March 2026. This option provides Waverley with time to procure replacement contracts as well as releasing resources to complete other current high-priority procurement workloads.



Having considered the comments of the Landlord Services Advisory Board (Executive Working Group), the Executive Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr Paul Rivers,






1.      An extension to the current PILON contract by two years (terms and conditions to remain the same) for planned kitchen and bathroom replacement works.

 Reason(s) for Recommendation:

1.     Waverley have a duty to ensure that all their homes have reasonably modern facilities and meet the Decent Homes standard.


2.     PILON currently supplies planned kitchen and bathroom replacement services to Waverley via a measured term contract, which was signed in June 2022, and procured on a ‘2+2’ year term.


3.     Waverley have developed a good working relationship with the incumbent contractor, PILON. The quality of the product delivered on-site over the last 18 months has been consistent.  PILON are providing a good service and value for money.


4.     The Planned Works Team recommend extending this current arrangement for two years until March 2026. This option provides Waverley with time to procure replacement contracts as well as releasing resources to complete other current high-priority procurement workloads.



HRA Planned Works: External Decorations and Roofline Works Contract Extension pdf icon PDF 586 KB

The report outlines the request to enter into an extension period of the existing planned works contract for external redecorations and roofline works, with Ian Williams (Planned) from April 2024 to March 2025. 




That the Executive Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations and Services) approves:


1.     An extension to the current Ian Williams (Planned) contract by one year (terms and conditions to remain the same) for planned external redecoration and roofline replacement works.


Having considered the comments of the Landlord Services Advisory Board (Executive Working Group), the Executive Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr Paul Rivers,






1.      an extension to the current Ian Williams (Planned) contract by one year (terms and conditions to remain the same) for planned external redecoration and roofline replacement works.

Reason(s) for Recommendation:

1.      Waverley have a duty to ensure that the condition of the external fabric of council homes are maintained to a reasonable standard, to ensure that the components maintain performance and are not subject to premature failure.


2.      Cyclical maintenance, including external redecorations and roofline replacement works; are typically included in our annual budgets and asset management strategy.


3.      Ian Williams Limited (Planned) currently supply external redecoration and roofline replacement services to Waverley via a measured term contract, which commenced in April 2019, and was procured on a ‘5+1+1+1+1+1’ year term.


4.      Waverley have developed a good working relationship with the incumbent contractor, Ian Williams (Planned). The quality of the product delivered on-site has been consistent and reasonable over the last few years. Ian Williams (Planned) are providing a good service and value for money.


5.      The Planed Works Team recommend extending this current arrangement for an additional year, until March 2025. This option provides Waverley with the time to procure replacement contracts as well as releasing resources to complete other high-priority procurement workloads.



Having considered the comments of the Landlord Services Advisory Board (Executive Working Group), the Executive Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr Paul Rivers,






1.      an extension to the current Ian Williams (Planned) contract by one year (terms and conditions to remain the same) for planned external redecoration and roofline replacement works.

Reason(s) for Recommendation:

1.      Waverley have a duty to ensure that the condition of the external fabric of council homes are maintained to a reasonable standard, to ensure that the components maintain performance and are not subject to premature failure.


2.      Cyclical maintenance, including external redecorations and roofline replacement works; are typically included in our annual budgets and asset management strategy.


3.      Ian Williams Limited (Planned) currently supply external redecoration and roofline replacement services to Waverley via a measured term contract, which commenced in April 2019, and was procured on a ‘5+1+1+1+1+1’ year term.


4.      Waverley have developed a good working relationship with the incumbent contractor, Ian Williams (Planned). The quality of the product delivered on-site has been consistent and reasonable over the last few years. Ian Williams (Planned) are providing a good service and value for money.


5.      The Planed Works Team recommend extending this current arrangement for an additional year, until March 2025. This option provides Waverley with the time to procure replacement contracts as well as releasing resources to complete other high-priority procurement workloads.