Agenda and minutes

Landlord Services Advisory Board (Executive Working Group) - Thursday, 19th October, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Leila Manzoor  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.


None received. The Board was in full attendance.


Notes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 256 KB

To agree the notes of the meeting held on 28th October 2023 and published on the Council’s website.


The Board agreed that the notes of the previous meeting were an accurate and complete record.


Smith and Byford Presentation

Smith & Byford Ltd. representative to provide Gas Servicing and Repairs 6 month Progress Update and Presentation.


Daniel Neild, on behalf of Smith & Byford Ltd, addressed the Board and delivered a 6 month progress review.


Daniel addressed the challenges faced during the contract's initial mobilisation in February. Issues arose during the transfer of employees from the previous contractor, resulting in a lower than expected number of engineers. Additionally, compliance concerns and a high number of pending repairs added to the complexities during the contract's onset.


Daniel highlighted the progress made in performance since the contract's inception. The team had significantly reduced overdue tasks, achieving a 99.79% KPI success rate, surpassing the initially inherited backlog.


The Winter Plan was presented, emphasising improved resources, including a fully staffed contact center, multiple suppliers to tackle parts availability concerns, and increased efficiency in van stocks. Moreover, innovative measures like QR code self-appointment bookings, a safeguarding reporting system, and the imminent implementation of live chat for service requests were highlighted.


The Chair opened the floor for questions.


Members asked for clarification about expected call-out times for tenants. Daniel explained that call out times for ‘P1 cases’ (emergencies) were within an hour and completed within 72 hours (he noted that these cases were mainly gas or water leaks), and he further explained that ‘P2 cases’ would be completed in up to 28 days with a call out time of 5 working days. Daniel also noted that the out-of-hours team would attend cases within 24 hours, but certain cases would be prioritised. He further clarified that a ‘P2 case’ referred to an issue that does not relate to heating or hot water.


In response to questions around weekend availability, Daniel explained that there were working contractors on the weekend and therefore the service wasn’t restricted to weekdays only.


Daniel explained that Smith and Byford would provide blow heaters to residents without heating within the arrangement to fix it. He agreed with the Board’s suggestions to look at oil heaters or more energy efficient alternatives in future if someone was struggling to pay electricity.


Cllr Keen explained that, in her experience, some tenants may turn down gas services and asked if there was anything to make these appliances more efficient to reduce prices. Daniel reassured that engineers would give safety advice on hot water and regulating temperatures in such cases. He noted that some tenants would not use gas due to debt on their meters which will not get cleared. He noted that it was the contractor’s responsibility to provide advice and signposting in such cases and explained that Smith and Byford would feedback to the Waverley Borough Council team if there were concerns about vulnerable tenants not using their gas.


Annalisa Howson, Housing Services Improvement Manager, added that the Housing Revenue Account Hardship fund was available for tenants who were signposted for safeguarding. She also confirmed that safeguarding concerns had been raised by Smith and Byford which the Waverley Borough Council Housing Team were able to look in to.


Daniel agreed to the Board’s suggestions that Smith & Byford should work with the Tenants  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


Aids and Adaptations Service Review pdf icon PDF 592 KB

The report details the actions that Waverley Borough Council have taken and are in the process of implementing to review and improve the way in which the aids and adaptations service is managed and delivered to tenants.


Recommendation to the Landlord Services Advisory Board


It is recommended that the LSAB:

-        reviews, supports and provides comments to Co-Portfolio Holder of Housing ad Executive Head of Housing,

-        on the actions taken and those actions to be implemented, in order to have fully reviewed the Councils aids and adaptations service.

Additional documents:


Adrian Bryant, Repairs and Voids Manager, introduced the report and the action plan, with a few updates;


           The policy and process have been reviewed and are the team are now looking at legal obligations

           Officers are reviewing current processes, namely; lack of communication with Tenants throughout adaptation. A Housing Adaptations Support Group has been set up to inform tenants on A&A case until completion.

           Officers are in the process of carrying out Tenant Satisfaction Surveys, sent out to tenants wo have had Aids & Adaptations carried out between Apr-Oct 2023 and in November they can feedback the results

           Officers are in conversations with suppliers and contractors – this will be promoted to tenants about the service

           There had been a lack of tracking identified by the team – therefore they have created a simple tracker to ensure cases are followed through all stages

           Officers are setting up reports to monitor cases and scheduling weekly update meetings with contractors to keep on top of cases.

           Action plan is in continual improvement.


In response to the Board, Ibiyemi Akoto, Compliance Manager, confirmed that the Council was in contact with social services teams and hospital outreach teams regarding Aids and Adaptions for tenants.


Danielle Sleightholme, Tenants Panel Co-Optee, noted that the case which triggered the review involved significant and unreasonable delays in dealing with an adaptation and asked for clarity about what had caused this. Andrew Smith, Executive Head of Housing, explained that it was due to a lack of communication and adherance to the policy. He further noted that the complaint came before the policy had been reviewed and the Action Plan has been set up. Andrew explained that the appropriate steps had been taken to avoid such cases in the future and it wouldn’t be appropriate to go into more detail on this in public session.


Cllr Robini asked if there were any circumstances in which the Council would refuse an adaptation that Social Services were recommending due to insufficient funds. Adrian explained that the process would include dialogue with social services and the tenant, to decide whether the adaptation is suitable or if it is more appropriate to move the tenant to another property. Adrian explained that the current legislation is vague regarding reasonable adjustments and the legal team are currently looking into the Council’s legal responsibilities within the policy.


A question was asked about Dropped Kerbs and whether the Council follows this up on a broad basis. Adrian explained that a request may come into the Council, but it would usually be on a public highway, which would be referred to Surrey County Council. Cllr Robini requested that Waverley Borough Council should have a formal arrangement in place with Surrey County Council to liaise regarding Dropped Kerbs. Adrian Bryant agreed to look into this.


The Board requested a review on the progress of the Action Plan in February 2024. Annalisa Howson noted that Officers were due to bring information about the Aids  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Senior Living Fire Alarm Upgrade - Contract Award pdf icon PDF 578 KB

The report seeks to approve awarding a Senior Living Fire Alarm Upgrade contract, following a competitive tender process. Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations & Services), in consultation with the Executive Head of Housing, to make formal decision in the meeting to follow.

Additional documents:


The Board noted and endorsed the proposals set out in the report.


Executive Head of Housing Update

Andrew Smith, Executive Head of Housing, to provide verbal update.


Andrew Smith, Executive Head of Housing, addressed the Board and provided the following updates:


-        There is now a fully resourced Compliance Team in place at WBC, which is key for ensuring tenants’ safety and satisfaction.

-        The Q2 Corporate Performance Report will be presented to the Board next month, and we are keen to see improvements in KPIs, specifically responsive repairs and voids. He noted that progress is slow but steady.

-        A new Anti-Social Behaviour Officer has been recruited and will work with housing on neighbourhood disputes and anti-social behaviour.

-        3,304 out of the 5,170 Stock Condition Surveys have been completed and the consultants have had a good response. There is a good number of satisfaction levels.

-        The Budget setting process is due to commence so we will be looking at that soon.

-        Winter Housing Hellos will take place on 14th, 17th and 23rd November.

-        He concluded by thanking the Housing team and the LSAB, rising to the challenges in place.


Work programme pdf icon PDF 412 KB

To note the updated work programme.


Annalisa Howson noted the upcoming items for the next meeting;

-       Re-let review update

-       Decant Policy

-       Retrofit Progress Report (this may be deferred)

-       Aids and Adaptations Survey Feedback

-       The Board expressed a desire to schedule a HRA Mid-year review finance training session in December to prepare Members to look at the HRA Budget in January


Cllr Rivers raised a point about the Decant Policy and questioned the use of the word “Decant” when talking about people and homes. The Board agreed to Cllr Rivers’ point and would be open to suggestions for an alternative name.


Date of next meeting

To confirm that the next meeting will take place on 30th November 2023.


The Board noted that the date of the next meeting would be Thursday 30th November 2023.