Agenda and minutes

Landlord Services Advisory Board (Executive Working Group) - Thursday, 30th June, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services and Business Support 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Rivers, Robini, Mulliner and Wicks.



Notes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To agree the notes of the previous meeting.


The notes of the meeting held on 26 May 2022 were agreed.


Terry Daubney advised the Board that he had received a response to the papers submitted concerning Garden waste collection and would bring the item back to the next meeting.



Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of interests under the Waverley Members’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Keen advised that she and Councillor Robini rented a garage from the Council and therefore would need to declare an interest if that issue was on a future agenda.



Tenancy review consultation findings and recommendations pdf icon PDF 420 KB

Additional documents:


The Service Improvement Officer gave a presentation on the Tenancy Review Project and the results from the consultation.  Members confirmed that they were all in agreement with the flexible tenancies and was in full support of the proposal. Members queried why ‘Ring Doorbells’ had become an issue.  Responding to the query raised, Officers advised that as it was a form of CCTV it required permission from the council.  Members commented on the use of ‘Ring Doorbells’ as a security measure for elderly vulnerable residents.  Members also suggested that the wording be carefully considered to ensure residents are fully aware that a Ring Doorbell is, permitted, but requires permission.


Members queried whether the footage from the Ring Doorbell was subject to the same legal regulations as CCTV.  Officers advised the Board that it was an evolving area, however the latest legal cases had indicated that it would be treated in the same way.  Officers noted that when installing Ring Doorbell’s it was important for residents to visit the ICO website for guidance. 


The Head of Housing Operations confirmed that policy was required to support Ring Doorbells and CCTV in regards to tenancies.  Members also queried the term ‘Ring Doorbell’ and were advised that the wording had been approved by legal services.  Members suggested adding a special article in Waverley Homes and People regarding Ring Doorbells and CCTV.


Members of the Board queried the ability for one tenant to end a joint tenancy, raising concerns such as coercive control and abusive relationships.  Officers advised that this was a sensitive issue and that there was policy to support such issues, however, it was a legal requirement.  Board Members also raised the issue of boundary fencing not being the responsibility of the Landlord.  Officers responded clarifying that fencing for council properties was the responsibility of the Landlord and that finance and budget had been central to the current position on fencing. 


The Head of Housing Operations confirmed that the strategy and the policy had been circulated a part of the consultation.  Officers also advised the Board that the policies relating to ‘Our Homes’ would be signed off by the portfolio holder on the 5th July and the Tenancy Strategy would be agreed at Full council on 19th July 2022.  The Chairman and members of the Board thanked officers for the report and presentation. 





The Landlord Services Board


·         Backs the proposal to end flexible tenancies;

·         endorses the updates for the revised tenancy policy; and

·         supports the adoption of the revised Tenancy Strategy.




Intro to Tenant engagement and presentation pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Additional documents:


Officers presented the members of the Board with the strategy and a presentation on Tenant Involvement.  Mr Simon Telling, a representative from the Tenants Panel was invited by Officers to address the Board.  Mr Telling advised the Board that he had become a panel member to lobby on behalf of his fellow residents, he also stated that he was a customer and wanted to ensure that staff and Councillors understood this.  Community representatives from Haslemere also spoke on their involvement in the Waverley Tenant Engagement Group and thanked officers for their ongoing support.


The Chairman welcomed the presentation and thanked officers and tenants for their input. The Board members raised questions regarding hard copies of the strategy being made available to tenants, in an attempt to increase numbers of tenant participation. Officers advised that an article was included in ‘Homes and People’ and suggested that a refresher could be arranged for the Autumn addition.  Members also queried the Scrutiny group identified in the strategy.  Officers advised that the Scrutiny group was currently on hold, as it had not worked in the current format and would be project based going forward.  Officers highlighted projects concerning complaints and repairs. 


Members also raised queries regarding the level on cross-working with the council’s Communications team concerning methods for communicating and presenting information to tenants.  Members sought further clarification on creating a Green group.  Officers advised that this was something that they wanted to achieve and would be working on this going forward.




Strategy be noted

To consider how the Landlord Advisory Services Board, can better circulate information to tenants.

To consider methods for tenant recruitment.






Q4 performance report DOTX 46 KB

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The Board received a report from the Head of Housing Operations on the quarter 4 performance.  Officers noted that a number of staff members had undertaken professional development and qualifications.  Officers also discussed the work undertaken with refugees i.e. Afghan families, homes for Ukraine and the interim contract with Ian Williams and the work addressing fire risks 


Regarding to performance indicators, the Head of Housing Operations identified Gas servicing, it was noted that this item was highlighted at the last meeting.  The Board was advised that it was still a challenge achieving 100 percent compliance, however, things had improved and a lot of time and effort had gone into improving the performance.  Officers noted that the repair KPI’s had fallen, the Board was informed that this was because the old contract came to an end and impacted on the start of the new contract.


Members sought further clarification on the contractor conducting the fire assessment work for the senior living establishment.  Officers confirmed that there are three separate contracts (1) voids and repairs (2) external painting and (3) fire safety scheme.  Members queried the complaints performance and whether these were the same issues.  Members felt that the borough had done well with its development schemes and building new living accommodation.




That the report be noted.


Head of Housing Operations Matters Arising


The Head of Housing Operation advised the Board members that matters arising had been raised and addressed as part of the Q4 performance discussion.


Proposed amendment to Terms of Reference and number of members pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman noted his concerns that there had been no consultation regarding the amendments.  The Chairman also commented on the recruitment of Councillors and felt that the meeting had been underrepresented by Councillors.  The Chairman felt that the numbers of leaseholders and tenants panel members was disproportionate.


The Leader noted that there were a number of panel members who could not attend for legitimate reasons, noting a clash with the Police and Crime Panel.  The Leader also advised that he would review the membership of the Board and appoint those with the most commitment to the subject matter.




That any decisions regarding the TOR be postponed until further discussions are held.


Work programme pdf icon PDF 546 KB


The Chairman advised the Board that the issues where laid out clearly for the next few month.  He noted that the method for selecting panel members should be reviewed. The Leader confirmed that as an Executive Working group, the terms and conditions for the group can be changed during the year.




That the report is noted


Date of next meeting