Agenda and minutes

Landlord Services Advisory Board (Executive Working Group) - Thursday, 28th April, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Fiona Cameron  Senior Governance Officer

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence received.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 449 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2022 were agreed.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of interests under the Waverley Members’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Keen declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in item 5 (Garage Breifing Note). 


Note: Councillor Keen had previously been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer under s33 of the Localism Act 2011 and therefore remained in the meeting and participated in this item, which was for noting only.


Introduction to Ian Williams Responsive Repairs and Voids Contractor

Presentation by Kate Green, Regional Director and Kris Shepway Local Business Manager



The Board received a presentation from Kris Shipway, Ian Williams Business Manager.  Kate Green, Ian Williams General Manager was also present on Zoom.  The presentation set out the background to and scope of the Responsive Repairs and Void Refurbishment contract and the staffing structure being put in place to achieve its objectives.  He outlined the key priorities for the contract and how performance would be monitored.


The Chairman welcomed Simon Telling from the Waverley Tenants Panel who had joined the meeting.


Heather Rigg, Operations Manager reported that 16% out of a small sample of 50 tenant satisfaction surveys were dissatisfied with the service, 6% were neutral and 78% were satisfied, which was close to the target of 80% satisfaction.  Officers would examine the data and share with Ian Williams.


In response to a Board member question, Annalisa Howson, Service Improvement Manager advised that tenants should contact the Council to access the repairs service and that there was an out of hours service provided by Bracknell Forest Borough Council in place to deal with any emergencies.   The Board was assured that the new out of hours service was operating well and was an improvement on the previous out of hours service.


The Vice-Chairman advised that communications were an issue which had been raised by the Tenants Panel and Kris Shipway assured the Board that the customer liaison officers would maintain a two-way communication with tenants.  Kate Green advised that there were two dedicated planners working with Waverley and this had resulted in increased accountability and an improved service. 


In response to a Board member question, Kate Green advised that the contract procurement included an annual review and provision for a rise indexed to the rate of inflation.  The aim was to provide tenants with the best value for money, however if there was a rise anticipated, this would be discussed with Waverley.  Officers were aware of the current issues with costs and supply issues and were working with contractors to address the issues.


In response to a Board member question, Kris Shipway advised that all operatives had undertaken Waverley’s safeguarding training and were DSB checked, which was a key part in supporting vulnerable tenants.  He also advised that the benches for Stonepit Close would be delivered in 12 weeks.


Annalisa Howson, Service Improvement Manager, thanked Ian Williams for their work and the work of officers on the contract procurement. Widley recognised that repairs is a key driver in customer satisfaction with the housing service. 


The Chairman thanked all the speakers for their contributions.


ACTION: The powerpoint presentation would be circulated to the Board with the minutes and Kris Shipway invited to provide a progress report in September.


Garage Briefing Note pdf icon PDF 395 KB

Note as requested to share information regarding the housing services garage portfolio.


Additional documents:


Annalisa Howson, Service Improvement Manager presented the briefing note, which had been raised during the budget process and at the previous Board meeting.  Provision of garages was not a core Housing function and it was suggested that the Board consider additional budget for garage appraisals in the following year’s budget, to enable the service to concentrate on a good programme of work for homes.




That the Landlord Service Advisory Board notes the proposal to request a service plan action and budget for garage appraisals in 2023/24.



Tenancy Review Project Update

All Tenancy Review information can be found at

Annalisa Howson to delivery a presentation on the proposals for the Tenancy Policy and Tenancy Strategy and to provide a consultation update.



The Board received a presentation on the Tenancy Review Project Update, setting out the feedback received to date as part of the consultation.  53 out of 54 agreed with the proposal to end the use of flexible tenancies as this would increase tenants feeling secure and stable in their homes.  Officers would be considering the consultation feedback received in detail and there would be two further consultation events held.  The presentation also set out the proposed changes to the Tenancy Policy and Tenancy Strategy, which would include the provisions in the Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy approved by the Council on 26 April.


The Board talked about the stigma around being a Council tenant, particularly in an affluent area like Waverley, however this was improving.  There was some concern expressed over the proposed removal of the word “good” from repairs.  In response, officers advised that the legal advice and consultation responses would be carefully considered before bringing a proposal back to the Board for consideration.


The Chairman thanked all speakers for their contributions.



Senior Living Consultation Progress Report pdf icon PDF 141 KB

David Brown / Annalisa Howson to give a verbal update on progress against the action plan, circulated at last meeting.



The Board noted the progress report and that letters would be with tenants by the following week and any feedback would be welcomed.  Senior living officers were considering the individual and scheme consultation responses.



Work programme pdf icon PDF 535 KB


The Work Programme was noted and the rents team would be in attendance at the next meeting.


Date of next meeting

Date of next meeting is scheduled for 26 May 2022.


Noted that the next meeting would be held on Thursday 26 May 2022.