Agenda and minutes

Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Community Wellbeing - Tuesday, 30th June, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: Zoom meeting and availale to view from Waverley's Youtube Channel

Contact: Ema Dearsley  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 January 2020.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th January 2020 were confirmed as a correct record.


It was noted that apologies for absence had been recorded for Cllr J Keen, Cllr Keen had left the committee prior to this meeting and therefore was no longer a member.


The chairman advised that Cllr S Cosser had now left the committee and he welcomed Cllr M Foryszewski to the committee.



To receive apologies for absence and note any substitutions.


Where a Member of the Committee is unable to attend a substitute Member may attend, speak and vote in their place at that meeting.


Members are advised that in order for a substitute to be arranged a Member must give four (4) clear working days notice of their apologies.


For this meeting the latest date apologies can be given for a substitute to be arranged is 23 June 2020.



No apologies for absence were received and no substitutes required for this meeting



To receive from Members declarations of interests in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with Waverley’s Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interests in connection with items on the agenda.



The Chairman to respond to any written questions received from members of the public in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of written questions is 5pm on 23 June 2020.  


No questions had been received from members of the public for this meeting.



The Chairman to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for receipt of written questions is 5pm on 23 June 2020.


No questions had been received from members for this meeting.



COVID-19 Response and Recovery Voluntary Organisations and Community Resilience pdf icon PDF 162 KB

The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the members of Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny on:

a.    the 12 SLA organisations and the arrangements for the 2nd tranche of funding  for 2020/21 (1 October to 31 March)

b.    the community response through the pandemic

c.    The recovery phase, reviewing the impact of COVID-19 on voluntary organisations across the borough and the long-term impact this will have on their resilience and how their services may change.




It was recommended that Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee are asked to note this report and provide observations that could support/shape the delivery of the Community Resilience Project.

Additional documents:


Andrew Smith and Katie Webb outlined the report to members covering the three areas of work carried out over the COVID period: SLA’s, Community Response and recovery phase.


It was agreed that a lot of excellent work had been carried out by voluntary organisations, Waverley staff and the public but there was a fear this good work could just fade away if not harnessed.  It was suggested that Waverley hold a ‘Thank You’ event.


Andrew Smith advised that Waverley would continue to support the voluntary groups in the area and a survey would be sent out to ascertain ‘what communities need’ as it may be that voluntary organisations are not in a position to provide the help that is actually needed.


Action: Andrew Smith to provide an update on this to each meeting.


Members were concerned that with many day centres still closed, vulnerable residents were isolated.  It was asked if there was any update on when these facilities could re-open?  Andrew advised that we were awaiting government guidance on this.  Members were advised that the Maltings were due to make an announcement soon on re-opening their café etc.


The Committee discussed help for the centres who kept open during lockdown to provide Community meals  but received no income and whether there was any financial help for them. 


The Committee wished for their gratitude to the Voluntary Sector and Waverley Staff to be recorded.


Katie Webb advised that letters had gone out to organisations with SLA’s with Waverley looking at if an moneys could be clawed back where services were not provided over lockdown.  Also a SWOT analysis was being carried out and the results of this would be feedback to the committee at each meeting.


Action: Response and Recovery – Community Resilience to be a standing item for foreseeable future.


Museum of Farnham Working Group Update - The Future of the Museum pdf icon PDF 491 KB

In July 2019 a small working group comprised of Executive Members and Officers was set up to find solutions to the financial challenge posed by the physical condition of the Museum of Farnham, a grade I listed Georgian property in Farnham.


The purpose of this report is to update The Community Wellbeing O&S Committee on the current situation regarding:


·         The poor condition of the museum building and the capital requirement

      Stakeholder consultation

      Funding options

      Governance and long term plans

      Alternative solutions




Members of the Community Wellbeing Committee are asked to note the cost and the critical timing of the museum repair works and to share their views on the following questions:


1.    Should the museum collection continue to be presented in Wilmer House or should the collection be moved to an alternative location to enable the Council to explore a new financial purpose for the building?


2.    Should the repair works be carried out in 2021 regardless of the building’s purpose? This would require the Council to allocate a capital budget of £500,000 and to place an order of bricks by no later than November 2020.


Depending on the Committee’s response to these questions, Members are invited to give further consideration to the following:


3.    Whether to use some of the capital budget that was set aside in 2017/18 for the museum repairs to contract a specialist bid writer to produce funding applications for the conservation works? This option supports the two assets (i.e. the building and the collection) staying together.


4.    The future of the museum service and the collection, which belongs to the council, if the assets are to be separated.




Kelvin Mills outlined the background to this report and what was required of the committee regarding the future of Wilmer House and the Farnham Museum housed within the building.


The committee were advised there had been low level scaffolding erected on the building since November 2018 due to the poor condition of the building.  It was estimated that £450-500k would be required to carry out the necessary repairs and there was a limited timescale to carry out the repairs (spring/summer) due to the materials required.


The committee considered the four options outlined in the report alongside pros and cons for each option.


a)    Council pay for repairs and museum continues to operate from the building.

b)    Council pays for repairs irrespective of whether the museum continues to operate from there.

c)    Sell building in present condition and accept any losses.

d)    Defer decision for 2020/21 and continue with scaffolding.


The committee agreed that options c & d were not appropriate and only option a & b were suitable.  It was felt we could consider the future of the museum at a later date and getting the urgent repairs carried out was the priority.


Action:  The Committee RECCOMMENDS to the Executive:


a)    That repairs to Wilmer House be carried out

b)    That the consideration of the future of Farnham Museum be considered at a future date.

c)    To use some of the capital budget that was set aside in 2017/18 for the museum repairs to contract a specialist bid writer to produce funding applications for the conservation works.

d)    That O&S do not need to make a decision on the future of the building and/or museum as this is a tactical decision for Council.



Update on Leisure Centres

Verbal update on the call-in regarding the Executive decision 3 March 2020 relating to Farnham Leisure Centre – after the call-in was made by the Community Wellbeing O&S Committee the Chair of the Committee met with officers to discuss the further information required. Since then, the work of the Council has been focussed on supporting the Waverley community in responding to the Covid-19 emergency. The continuing impacts on Council operations mean that the original decision is very unlikely to be implemented in the short term. It is recommended that in consultation with officers the Chair reassesses the situation before the next Committee meeting with a view to holding the call-in item when appropriate




To agree any observations or recommendations, as appropriate


Kelvin Mills outlined the current position on the Leisure Centres in Waverley.  He explained that all the centres closed on 20/03/2020 and are currently still closed.


Before re-opening the centres need to consider current changes in the law and the contractual impact of these changes.  Discussions are currently taking place with Places for Leisure to look at the various operational issues that will need addressing.  There will be a 3-4 week delay following the government giving guidance that leisure facilities can open for measures to be implemented.


The committee were also advised that Leisure Capital Investment was currently suspended and this would be for at least the next 6-8 months.


The Chairman asked about the current position of the Cranleigh Leisure Centre as it was in a bad state of repair.  Also the Farnham Leisure Centre had been the subject of a Call-In. It was agreed that an update would be provided at next meeting, however, the longer term impact on leisure centres following the lockdown will take a lot longer to evaluate.


Action: Update on both Cranleigh and Farnham leisure centres would be presented to the next meeting.







The Corporate Performance Report provides an analysis of the Council’s performance for the fourth quarter of 2019-20 and reflection of the Council’s performance throughout the year. The report, set out at Annexe 1 of the report, is being presented to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for comment and any recommendations they may wish to make to senior management or the Executive.




It isrecommended that the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee considers the performance of the service areas under its remit as set out in Annexe 1 to this report and makes any recommendations to senior management or the Executive as appropriate.


Additional documents:


Housing Delivery and Communities (Community Safety and Safeguarding)


Andrew Smith highlighted the areas of concern or to note from this section of the Corporate Report. 


·         There had been some youth ASB issues in Farncombe which were being addressed by the installation of CCTV at Baring House.


·         The Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults at Risk had now been ratified by Council.


Commercial Services


Kelvin Mills highlighted the areas of concern or to note from this section of the Corporate Report. 


·         Good year overall despite the challenges of COVID-19.

·         Leisure Centres had a good start before COVID. (see previous item)

·         Recent issues been encountered with visitors to outside spaces (e.g. Frensham) following easing of lockdown regulations.

·         Due to lockdown the Careline data was unavailable for this quarter as no staff in office.

·         Some service plans have been deferred as they were over optimistic.


The committee acknowledged to excellent work WTS were providing.



Any Other Business


Cllr J Else asked that ‘Waverley’s Civil Emergency Plan’ be added to the work programme and how it worked regarding the fire in Thursley.  This would be taken to Co-Ordinating Board to discuss any O&S crossover.  Annie Righton advised that Executive were also looking at this issue.