Agenda and minutes

Executive (Acting as Trustee of the Joseph Ewart Bequest) - Tuesday, 1st March, 2016 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Tom Martin.


Declarations of Interest

To receive from members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations raised under this heading.


Parking Improvements at College Gardens, Farnham pdf icon PDF 54 KB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval from the Joseph Ewart Bequest Trust to improve the parking provision for the tenants of College Gardens, Farnham. 




It is recommended that the Executive acting as Trustees of the Joseph Ewart Bequest

1.         give approval to progressing the car parking improvements at College Gardens including the procurement and the management of the works within a budget of £85,000; and

2.         delegate authority to officers to seek planning permission for the proposed projects if and when required.




1.         approval be given to progressing the car parking improvements at College Gardens including the procurement and the management of the works within a budget of £85,000; and

2.         authority be delegated to officers to seek planning permission for the proposed projects if and when required.



Delivery of Affordable Homes at Greenfield Road, Farnham pdf icon PDF 1 MB

The purpose of the report is to seek approval from the Joseph Ewart Bequest for the use of funds to support the delivery of up to three affordable bungalows for older people on land at Greenfield Road, Farnham.  




It is recommended that the Executive acting as Trustees of the Joseph Ewart Bequest agree:


1.         a budget of £10,000 to enable legal and surveyor’s advice to be sought on the purchase of the land at Greenfield Road, Farnham and the development of three bungalows for elderly people by the Council, acting on behalf of the Trust;


2.         to purchase the land at Greenfield Road, subject to legal and valuation advice, for the sum to be agreed by the Trustees in consultation with their independent advisors;


3.         to allocate the sum of £630,000 for the construction of the three bungalows;


4.         to delegate authority to officers to seek planning permission for the development when required;


5.         that the governing document of the Joseph Ewart Trust be amended from erecting “small bungalow cottages” to “two storey dwelling houses suitable as homes for elderly people with limited financial means,” subject to obtaining approval from the Charity Commission; and


6.         to delegate authority to officers to seek approval from the Charity Commission to a      proposed amendment to the governing document of the Joseph Ewart Trust.



RESOLVED  that approval be given to:


1.         a budget of £10,000 to enable legal and surveyor’s advice to be sought on the purchase of the land at Greenfield Road, Farnham and the development of three bungalows for elderly people by the Council, acting on behalf of the Trust;


2.         purchase the land at Greenfield Road, subject to legal and valuation advice, and for the sum to be agreed by the Trustees in consultation with their independent advisors;


3.         allocate the sum of £630,000 for the construction of the three bungalows;


4.         delegate authority to officers to seek planning permission for the development when required;


5.         obtain approval from the Charity Commission that the governing document of the Joseph Ewart Bequest be amended from erecting “small bungalow cottages” to “two storey dwelling houses suitable as homes for elderly people with limited financial means,”; and


6.         delegate authority to officers to seek approval from the Charity Commission to a proposed amendment to the governing document of the Joseph Ewart Bequest.