Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee B - Monday, 14th August, 2023 11.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Kimberly Soane  Democratic Services officer

No. Item



To elect a Chairman for the Sub-Committee B meeting.


Cllr Michael Goodridge was elected as Chair for the purpose of this meeting.


LICENSING ACT 2003 - Application for a new Premises Licence - Vicky's Brasserie, 10-12 Petworth Road, Haslemere, Surrey. GU27 2HR pdf icon PDF 579 KB

An application has been received for a new premises licence from Mr Ferris Cowper, in respect of a restaurant with a small wine bar situated on the ground floor (with a small basement) of a retail unit.  Residential properties are situated on the first floor. Thirteen relevant representations have been received, five in objection and eight in support.



It is recommended that the Sub-Committee determine the application.


Additional documents:


The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considered all of the relevant information including:

·         Written and oral representations made by the parties

·         The Licensing Act 2003 and the steps appropriate to promote the licensing objectives

·         The Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (the statutory guidance)

·         Waverley Borough Council’s statement of licensing policy

·         The Human Rights Act 1998


The Licencing Sub-Committee took into consideration the committee report, and application form which sought to licence the premises for the licensable activities.


During the consultation process, 13 representations were received from interested persons which formed part of the committee report, and which were expanded upon during the course of the hearing. Withing the application a number of representations were made including elements not relevant to the licensing objectives. The representations received centred around perceived issues of crime and disorder and public nuisance.


It was noted by the Sub-Committee that there had been no representations made by any of the responsible authorities.


The Sub-Committee were advised that live and recorded music for less than 500 people, between the hours of 8am and 11pm, did not require approval for a licenced premises.


The Applicant advised that the Brasserie would provide tableside entertainment and low-level background music only.  It was emphasised that the average day’s finish would be around 10.00pm.  It was reiterated the venue was not advertised as a drinking venue, but alcohol was being sold as part of the dining experience and would only be sold to seated patrons. The premises accommodates only 42 covers at any one time.


The Sub-Committee was pleased to hear of the arrangements in place regarding internal CCTV, proof of age checks etc.


In reaching their decision, the Sub-Committee had regard to all the relevant considerations and the licensing objectives and considered that the decision made was appropriate and proportionate.


The Sub-Committee considered the application as well as the objections received and the evidence from those present. They considered the licensing objectives and resolved to GRANT a premises licence as applied for, subject to the mandatory conditions, and conditions consistent with the operating schedule. The Sub-Committee felt that additional conditions were unnecessary at this time.



To consider any legal advice relating to any applications in the agenda.


[Note: Reports relating to confidential or exempt information may be excluded from those copies of the agenda provided for inspection by members of the public if they relate to matters during which the meeting is likely not to be open to the public.]


Legal advice was sought during deliberations.