Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee A - Thursday, 25th November, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 1

Contact: Kimberly Soane  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman

Committee to agree a Chairman for the purposes of this meeting.


Councillor Jerome Davidson was elected Chairman for the purposes of this meeting.


Disclosure of Interests

To receive from Members declarations of personal and prejudicial interests in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no disclosure of interests submitted for this application.



Purpose and Summary


Application for a new Premises Licence for Maison Restaurant, Wrecclesham House, Wrecclesham Road, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4PS under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003. Two relevant representations have been received from ‘other persons’.




·      It is recommended that the Sub-Committee considers the application and evidence of all parties involved at the hearing and then determine the application.


·      Members must determine the application in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005.


·      The Sub-Committee should take such steps (as described at paragraph 8.11 below) as it considers appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives.


·      Once determined, the licensing authority must provide notification of the decision including its reasons to the applicant, any person who has made relevant representations and the Chief Officer of Police for the area in which the premises is situated.




Additional documents:


The Committee AGREED to approve the application for a new premises licence as set out in the paperwork submitted.


Licensable activity                           Hours


Live music                                         Monday to Saturday 11:00 to 00:00

                                                            Sunday 11:00 to 23:00       


Recorded music                               Monday to Sunday 11:00 to 00:30           


Late night refreshment                               Monday to Sunday 23:00 to 00:30


Supply of alcohol (on/off premises)          Monday to Sunday 11:00 to 00:00           

                                                            Seasonal variations Christmas Eve/New Years Eve 11:00 to 01:00

                                                            Private functions / special events (12 per year) 11:00 to 01:00


Opening hours                                             Monday to Sunday 11:00 to 00:30


  1. Conditions


The operation of the premises under the licence shall be subject to the relevant mandatory conditions, conditions derived from the operation schedule highlighted in the application form and those agreed with Surrey Police and Environmental Health.


  1. Reasons


The reasons for the decision are as follows:-


The licensing sub-committee heard from the applicants who had also supplied supporting evidence to set out the intended arrangements at the premises. The licensing sub-committee noted that the restaurant allowed no more than 20 covers and that a single sitting service was to be offered. The applicant set out their ethos and explained that they had applied for extended hours on the basis that the business would be offered a degree of flexibility. Further, that the opening hours would primarily be Wednesday to Saturday evenings.


On questioning, the applicant set out ways in which they would address possible nuisance, including making the position clear on their website. The applicants also indicated that they would be living at the premises (which was equally their home) and fully intended to be respectful of and sympathetic to their neighbours, and that there would also be signs reminding customers of this at the premises. The applicants also set out details of their previous business arrangements which also involved running a business and living alongside residents, and which had operated successfully.


The licensing sub committee considered all of the oral and written representations before it, including those of Farnham Town Council with regards to possible nuisance.


The licensing sub-committee noted the written comments from Surrey Police and Environmental Health, in particular with regards to disposal of waste including bottles (no. 5). Further the sub-committee noted the applicant’s intended arrangements in respect of waste which would be dealt with during daytime hours, which they felt alleviated their concerns and was proportionate to the arrangements and proximity of residential addresses.


In reaching this decision, the sub committee had regard to all of the relevant considerations and the four licensing objectives and considered that the decision was appropriate and proportionate.