Agenda, decisions and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee A - Wednesday, 3rd January, 2018 10.25 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Ema Dearsley  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman


Councilllor Patricia Ellis was elected Chairman of this meeting of Licensing Sub-Committee A.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting which took place on 20 November 2017.


The minutes of the meeting which took place on 20 November were confirmed and signed.


Disclosure of Interests

To receive from Members declarations of personal and prejudicial interests in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest.


It was noted that although Cllr John Fraser was listed as a Member of the Sub-Committee he had to withdraw from participating in the hearing and Cllr Michael Goodridge was appointed in his place.  This was because of his previous involvement with the Memorial Hall which could be perceived as impacting on his ability to act with an open mind and remain objective. Therefore, he was permitted to speak at the meeting in order to present the views of local residents but was not able to participate in the decision-making. 



The purpose of the report is to enable the Sub-Committee to consider an application from  Waverley Borough Council for a new premises licence for Farnham Memorial Hall, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7EE, where 16 relevant representations have been received.  4 of these where outside the 28 days but have been accepted by the applicant.




The Sub-Committee is requested to consider the application for a premises licence on its merits.


After determining the application in light of paragraphs 7 and 8 above, the Committee should give its decision and provide reasons in support of its decision.


Additional documents:


During the deliberations the Council’s Solicitor was asked to advise the Sub-Committee on suitable wording for their decision.


The Sub-Committee carefully considered the application for a new premises licence, taking into account the representation(s) received, statutory guidance and the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy 2013-2018.



The Sub-Committee has agreed to grant the new premises licence in part as it did not consider that there was sufficient substantiated evidence to reject the application, as amended, in its entirety. In making its decision, it also noted that the Memorial Hall was under new management which wanted to make a success of its renovated venue. The applicant also indicated its willingness to work with the local community to prevent any problems and to listen to any concerns that they may have. The Committee also noted that there was an approved Travel Plan in place which confirmed that the number of car parking spaces was appropriate. Furthermore, there had been no representations received from the Police or other statutory consultees in respect of this application and it was revealed upon enquiry that one complaint had been made to Environmental Health noted on the record in 2008 relating to the previous licence.  


However, taking into account the significant concerns of the objectors, the Sub-Committee has amended the hours proposed and placed additional conditions on the new License. These are further to those put forward by the applicant in the operating schedule. The amended and additional conditions are proportionate and appropriate to address the concerns raised by the residents and for the promotion of to the licensing objectives. 


The hours which have been agreed by the Licensing Sub-Committee are as follows:


q  Opening hours:

                                      0800 to 0000 Monday to Thursday

                                       0800 to 0030 Friday and Saturday

                                       0800 to 2230 Sunday

      Non Standard timing on New Years Eve Until 0130


   Sale of Alcohol: (On and off the premises)

                     1200 to 2330 Monday to Thursday

                     1200 to 0000 Friday and Saturday

                       1200 to 2200 Sunday

Non Standard timing on New Years Eve Until 0100


q  Regulated Entertainment: (Live & Recorded Music, Performance of dance and anything similar -  Indoors only)

                     0900 to 0000 Monday to Saturday

                       1000 to 2200 Sunday        

Non Standard timing on New Years Eve Until 0100 for Live & Recorded Music, Performance of dance


   Regulated Entertainment: (Plays & Films - Indoors only)

                     0900 to 2300 Monday to Thursday

                     0900 to 2330 Friday and Saturday

                       1000 to 2200 Sunday

Non Standard timing on New Years Eve Until 0100 for Films


   Late Night Refreshment: (Indoors only)

                     2300 to 0000 Monday to Saturday


Non Standard timing on New Years Eve Until 0100



The Sub-Committee accepts all the conditions proposed by the Applicant. However, for completeness and to address representations received, the relevant conditions are set out below:




1.    A comprehensive Terms and Conditions document to be issued and signed by all the customers and hirers that clearly outline all of the Licensing Objectives.

2.    Staff refresher training in the law regarding the sale of alcohol to be carried  ...  view the full decision text for item 23.


The Sub-Committee received a report on an application for a new premises licence at the Farnham Memorial Hall, Farnham. The application for a new premises licence was made following major alterations to the building and an extension to the Hall.  The application had received 16 relevant representations from ‘other persons’, four of these were outside the 28 day period but were accepted by the applicant.  A number of those who had made representations attended the meeting, and, as well as the applicant, were allowed to speak.


The Licensing Manager indicated that the applicant sought a licence which would authorise the specified ground floor areas for regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and the sale of alcohol for consumption both on and off the premises.  The timings requested for the activities were noted but the Sub-Committee was advised that the applicant sought a couple of amendments in view of the concerns expressed from local residents, specifically that


Supply of Alcohol: Current application proposes until 00.30 am on a Friday and Saturday – proposed to reduce to midnight (00.00).    Current application proposes until 01.30am on New Year’s Eve proposed to reduce until 01.00 am on New Year’s Eve. [No change to Mon-Thurs or Sunday.]


Hours premises open to public, Late night refreshment, Live and Recorded Music, Performances of dance (and anything of a similar description (Section H)– current application proposes until 01.00 am on a Friday and Saturday – proposed to reduce to midnight (00.00).


The Sub-Committee asked the Licensing Manager if there had been any complaints of noise on the old premises licence. After consulting with Environmental Health it was noted that there had been 1 recorded complaint which was made in 2008 and no further action was taken. This was ten years ago and, without any further complaints or concerns raised with the Council there had been no reason to raise an objection to the application. One of the residents questioned this figure saying that he had complained numerous times to the Council on the out-of-hours number but as no action was taken on this, he hadn’t continued to phone.  Another resident advised that some of the complaints arose from the football club socials of which they had a number for the club secretary. Noting this, the Venue Manager advised that he would personally ensure that there was always a number for residents to call if there was an issue and he wanted to work in harmony with the residents and would keep an open dialogue. 


Following the Licensing Manager’s introduction, Councillors Jerry Hyman and John Fraser addressed the Sub-Committee. Councillor Fraser read out a statement from Councillor Beaman who was the Farnham Town Councillor for that ward. He spoke of concerns regarding the extending hours, particularly on a Friday and Saturday night and the new hours proposed for Sundays which they didn’t have previously. He spoke of the distress for the local residents and that the times should not exceed those as previously allocated as this would cause even  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.