Agenda and minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Committee - Thursday, 24th March, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Maureen Brown  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item



To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2016 (to be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting).


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2016 were confirmed and signed.


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive apologies for absence and to report any substitutions


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors John Fraser, Tony Gordon-Smith, Peter Isherwood Anna James and Carole King.


Declarations of Interest

To receive from members declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest.


Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Fees 2016/17 - Outcome of Advertisement

Following the Council meeting on 16 February 2016 which agreed proposed taxi fees for 2016/17, the proposed fees were advertised in the local press on 19 February 2016 and all drivers and operators were written to.  The consultation period ends on Friday 18 March 2016.  Up until the time of the agenda despatch, no representations had been received.  If there are any representations received before the meeting, a report detailing the representations will be sent To Follow.


If no representations are received by the deadline, the new fees for 2016/17 as agreed at the Council meeting, will come into effect from 1 April 2016.  


The Committee noted that following the Council meeting on 16 February 2016 which agreed proposed taxi fees for 2016/17, the proposed fees were advertised in the local press and all drivers and operators were written to. The Council had received no representations therefore the new fees for 2016/17, as agreed at the Council meeting, would come into effect from 1 April 2016.




Proposed Taxi Rank - Godalming pdf icon PDF 2 MB

The purpose of the report is to obtain approval from the Committee for the continued work into the designation of a new taxi rank comprising two stands in Bridge Street, Godalming.




It is recommended that the Licensing and Regulatory Committee supports the principle of a new taxi rank in Bridge Street, Godalming and asks officers to explore and progress the proposal further, with a view to a report being presented to the next meeting.



The Committee was advised that there was a need had been identified for an additional taxi rank in Godalming. There had been repeated requests from hackney carriage drivers in the area and a petition had been submitted for an additional taxi rank in the town centre vicinity. Members received a report seeking approval from the Committee for the continued work into the designation of a new taxi rank comprising two strands in Bridge Street, Godalming.


The Committee noted that there was approximately 287 taxi vehicle licences issued by the council of which around 80 operated in the Godalming area. Currently, there was one taxi rank in the town centre, comprising two stands in the Crown Court Car Park to the rear of the High Street. There was also a rank for 4 taxis at Godalming Railway Station managed by South West Trains.  Members were advised that the matter had been referred to the Local Committee’s Godalming, Milford and Witley Task Group who gave consideration to three possible locations for an additional rank and, following advice from the Senior Engineer at Surrey County Council, and the Road Safety and Traffic Management Team of Surrey Police, agreed that Bridge Street was the preferred option.


The Committee asked about whether the site would need planning permission considering it was within the conservation area. Furthermore, there was some concern about the width of the pavement and if there would still be space for pedestrians walking by the side. Emma McQuillan, the Democratic Services Manager, confirmed that consent had been received from the Highways Authority in respect of the proposal, that the parking bays were situated adjacent to the carriageway and would leave enough space for pedestrians to walk freely behind. Officers were also currently researching whether there were any additional legal procedures required to ensure the validity of the taxi rank for the purposes of road traffic enforcement in the future. Members noted that, if agreed, a further report would be brought to the next meeting setting out the requirements for the designation of the taxi rank. Following this, there would be a public notice in the Surrey Advertiser with a consultation period of 28 days and any representations or objections received would be brought back to the Committee for consideration.


RESOLVED that the Committee supports the principle of a new taxi rank in Bridge                     Street, Godalming and asks officers to explore and progress the                                            proposal further, with a view to a report being presented to the next                         meeting.




Minutes of the Meeting of the Licensing (General Purposes) Sub-Committee pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To note the Minutes of the Meeting of the Licensing (General Purposes) Sub-Committee held on 28 January 2016.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Licensing (General Purposes)

                     Sub-Committee held on 28 January 2016 be noted.


Minutes of the Meetings of the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committees pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To note the Minutes of the Meetings of the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committees held on 18 and 21 January 2016.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meetings held on 18 and 21 January 2016 be          noted.