Agenda and minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Committee - Monday, 14th June, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Kimberly Soane  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item



To receive the minutes of the meeting held 1st March 2021.


The minutes of th meeting held on 1st March 202, and published on the council’s website, were agreed as a correct record.


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive apologies for absence and to report any substitutions


Apologies for absence were submitted by Cllr Peter Isherwood and Cllr Michaela Martin had stepped down from the Committee due to other commitments.


Cllrs Steve Cosser and John Ward attended as substitutes.


Declarations of Interest

To receive from members declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest submitted for this meeting.


Questions from members of the Public

The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public in accordance with Procedure Rule 10. 


The deadline for submission of written questions for this meeting is Monday 7th June 2021.



No questions had been submitted by members of the public for this meeting.


Questions from Members

The Chairman to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.


The deadline for submission of written questions for this meeting is Monday 7th June 2021.



No questions had been submitted by members for this meeting.



Appointment of the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committees for 2021/22

The Licensing & Regulatory Committee is invited to appoint three Licensing Act 2003 Sub-committees, for the purposes of holding hearings relating to applications under the Act.


Current sub-committee memberships are:


Sub-Committee A:

Cllr Jerome Davidson

Cllr Patricia Ellis

Cllr Michaela Martin


Sub-Committee B:

            Cllr Michael Goodridge

            Cllr Roger Blishen

            Cllr Anna James


Sub-Committee C:

            Cllr Robert Knowles

Cllr Ruth Reed

Cllr Martin D’Arcy


The Committee agreed the memberships for the three Licensing Act 2003 Sub-committees as:


Sub-Committee A:

Cllr Jerome Davidson

Cllr Patricia Ellis

Cllr John Ward


Sub-Committee B:

            Cllr Michael Goodridge

            Cllr Roger Blishen

            Cllr Anna James


Sub-Committee C:

            Cllr Robert Knowles

Cllr Ruth Reed

Cllr Martin D’Arcy



Appointment of Licensing (General Purposes) Sub-Committee for 2021/22

The Licensing & Regulatory Committee is invited to appoint five members to the Licensing (General Purposes) Sub-committee.


Current sub-committee membership is:


Cllr Robert Knowles

Cllr Martin D’Arcy

Cllr Peter Isherwood

Cllr Jacquie Keen

Cllr Ruth Reed

Cllr Jerome Davidson (Sub)

Cllr Michael Goodridge (Sub)

Cllr Michaela Martin (Sub)



The Committee approved the membership of the licensing (General Purpose) Sub Committee as:


Cllr Robert Knowles

Cllr Martin D’Arcy

Cllr Peter Isherwood

Cllr Jacquie Keen

Cllr Ruth Reed

Cllr Jerome Davidson (Sub)

Cllr Michael Goodridge (Sub)

Cllr John Ward (Sub)



Review of Waverley Borough Council's Policy for the Licensing of Sex Establishments - Consultation pdf icon PDF 513 KB

Whilst there is no formal legislative requirement for the Council to adopt a policy in relation to the licensing of sex establishments it is considered beneficial for the Council to do so given that it is the Council’s role as licensing authority to regulate such premises. This is in accordance with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 which allows Waverley to license sex shops, sex cinemas and sexual entertainment venues.

Waverley introduced a Policy in 2012 and within that Policy stated that it will be kept under review, and that it will review the Policy every five years.  The current Waverley Policy has been in place since January 2017 and will be reviewed over the next few months. This will lead up to a new Policy being in place by January 2022 for a further maximum five-year period.

NOTE: Waverley does not currently have any Sex Establishments.

Current Policy for Licensing of Sex Establishments




Write to consultees on                                                19th July 2021

Place consultation information on web on                 19th July 2021

Consultation period ends 11th October 2021 (12 weeks), followed by:

Licensing and Regulatory Committee                        8th November 2021

COUNCIL                                                                   14th December 2021



The Committee were asked to note the current Policy for the Licensing of Sex Establishments which was first introduced in 2012 and reviewed in January 2017. The Policy is reviewed every 5 years and was therefore proposed to once again go out for consultation.


The Committee considered the document and made some suggested amendments.


The Committee noted and ENDORSED the approach to carry out a consultation on the Policy for the Licensing of Sex Establishments with a proposal for a new Policy to be in place by January 2022 for a further 5 year period.


Review of Waverley Borough Council's Statement of Gambling Policy - Consultation pdf icon PDF 580 KB

The Gambling Act 2003 requires Waverley to have a Statement of Gambling Policy, that it keeps this under review, and that it must completely review the Policy within every three year period.  The current Waverley Policy has been in place since January 2019 and has to be reviewed over the next few months. This will lead up to a new Policy being in place by January 2022 for a further three-year period, unless amended earlier.


Current Statement of Gambling Policy


NOTE: Waverley currently has:

  • 7 Betting shops
  • We normally receive (before Covid) 1 annual Temporary Use Notice for a ‘Point to Point’ horse race at Pepper Harrow,
  • We issue small society lottery licences
  • We do not have any Casino’s, Tracks, Bingo or Family Entertainment Centres.




Write to consultees on                                                19th July 2021

Place consultation information on web on                 19th July 2021

Consultation period ends 11th October 2021 (12 weeks), followed by:

Licensing and Regulatory Committee                        8th November 2021

COUNCIL                                                                   14th December 2021



The Committee were asked to note the current Statement of Gambling Policy, which was put in place in January 2019. The Policy is reviewed every 3 years and was therefore proposed to once again go out for consultation.


The Committee considered the document and made some suggested amendments.


The Committee noted and ENDORSED the approach to carry out a consultation on the Statement of Gambling Policy with a proposal for a new Policy to be in place by January 2022 for a further 3 year period.