
Licensing and Regulatory Committee - Thursday, 29th January, 2015 10.00 am

Proposed venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Maureen Brown  Democratic Services Officer

Note: [In the event that adverse weather conditions prevent this meeting from proceeding, the meeting will be held instead at 10.00am on Thursday 5 February 2015] 

No. Item




The Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 September 2014 were confirmed and signed.


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions


Apologies had been received from Cllr Andrew Wilson.


Declarations of Interest


Cllr Patricia Ellis declared an interest in agenda item 6 as a Cranleigh Parish Councillor and had left the room and not participated in the meeting at Cranleigh Parish Council.


Action Authorised


The action taken by the Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman was noted.


There were no items for discussion under this heading.



Background Papers


Unless specified under an individual item, there are no background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the reports in Part I of these minutes.


Waverley Borough Council - Designated Streets Review pdf icon PDF 51 KB


The Committee considered a report concerning the Council’s existing Street Trading Policy, which was introduced in 2009 and had recently received its 5-year review.  There had been no major legislative changes affecting this Policy since it came into effect and requests for only minor changes were made.


As part of the consultation process views were sought on whether the existing street designations should be amended in any way. At the Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 18 September these responses were reviewed and officers were requested to instigate a separate process (as the determination of designated streets is not part of the Policy review process).


Two main designation issues arose.  One from Godalming Town Council and one from Cranleigh Parish Council and a formal procedure must be followed if changes to the designation of streets was to take place. 


With regard to Cranleigh, Members noted that Cranleigh Parish Council had supported prohibited streets in Cranleigh as per Annexe I of the Policy document and the three consent streets listed should remain.  It was noted that clarity was needed over where Horseshoe Lane actually started/finished and a map would have been helpful.  However, Cranleigh Parish Council were content that it remained a Consent Street where Horsehoe Lane abutted the High Street as a number of village events took place around The Common.  Cranleigh Parish Council were sympathetic towards the request from Cranleigh Chamber of Commerce to re-designate the High Street, The Common and Rowland Road as prohibited street, but did not support the proposal as it would prevent a number of local festivals from taking place.


The Committee discussed the request from Godalming Town Council that Bridge Street be included in the list of consent streets to save closing the whole of the High Street when events took place.  However, Members were very concerned that traffic would not be able to exit Queen Street Car Park when Bridge Street was closed for an event and agreed not to approve the request.


The Committee




5.         the designation of streets in Cranleigh and Godalming remain unaltered.





Background Papers


The background papers relating to the following report items in Part II are as specified in the agenda for the Committee.


Financial Strategy 2015/2016 - 2017/2018 Licensing budget 2015/2016 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered the report which sought the Committee’s agreement to the proposals for the Licensing Service Revenue Estimates and Fees and Charges for 2015/16.  Members noted that none of the ‘Star Chamber’ proposals impacted directly on the Licensing Service.


An amended Annexe 1 was circulated to the Committee.  Members considered the Committee’s 2015/16 Estimates together with the analysis of Licensing Costs and Income for 2015/16 that showed the estimated recovery rates.  The Committee noted that figures allowed for the cost of proposed growth items and that enforcement costs were not recovered through fees.  Recovery costs had levelled at 90%.  The Committee noted that the staff pay award was currently pending Council agreement and once this was available the figures would be updated.


The Committee noted that their decisions and recommendations would be reported to the Executive on 3 February 2015 and to Council on 17 February 2015.


The Committee RESOLVED to:


1.         agree its draft Revenue Estimates for 2015/16; and

2.         approved the level of fees and charges for2015/16 in accordance with the schedule.







Minutes pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED    that the minutes of the meetings of the Licensing (General Purposes) Sub-Committee held on 18 September 2014 and 27 November 2014, be noted.