Agenda and minutes

Joint Planning Committee - Monday, 13th August, 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Ema Dearsley  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 August 2018 (to be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting).


The minutes of the meeting that took place on 8 August 2018 were confirmed and signed.



To receive apologies for absence.


Where a Member of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Area Planning Committee may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


Members are advised that in order for a substitute to be arranged, a Member must give four clear working days notice of their apologies. For this meeting, the latest date apologies can be given for a substitute to be arranged is 6 August 2018.


There were apologies for absence from Councillors Denis Leigh, Nabeel Nasir and Anna James.  



To receive from Members declarations of interests in relation to any items included on the Agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest.



The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public of which notice has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.





The Chairman to respond to any questions received from Members in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.




Performance Against Government Targets

Planning Performance and the Government target on quality on planning decision making will now be a standard item on the Joint Planning Committee agenda. This was an agreed recommendation at Executive on 28 November 2017 and is part of the Development Management Service Improvement Plan.


The latest available statistics will be provided with the update sheet.


The Committee noted that the performance statistics had not changed since they had last met.


Item A1, WA/2017/0920 - 5 - 21 Wey Hill, Haslemere pdf icon PDF 2 MB



Erection of 45 apartments in 2 blocks, including associated semi-basement parking, amenity space, landscaping and new access (as amended by plans received 03/11/17 and 25/04/2018 as amplified by additional information received 11/10/17 31/10/17, 03/11/17, 02/02/18, 12/02/18, 14/03/18).






That, subject to the applicant entering into appropriate legal agreement within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission to secure contributions towards education, recycling provision, off-site play area and playing pitch improvements, mitigation for the impact on the SPA, off-site highways improvements and on-site SuDS and open space management/maintenance and subject to conditions and informatives, permission be GRANTED.




That, in the event that the requirements of Recommendation A are not met, that permission be REFUSED.

Additional documents:


Proposed development

Erection of 45 apartments in 2 blocks, including associated semi-basement parking, amenity space, landscaping and new access (as amended by plans received 03/11/17 and 25/04/2018 as amplified by additional information received 11/10/17 31/10/17, 03/11/17, 02/02/18, 12/02/18, 14/03/18). 


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


Officers advised that since the publication of the report they had received a response from the Council’s Independent Viability Consultant on the exempt viability report and questions submitted before the meeting. In conclusion, the Council’s Viability Consultant had responded that the build costs had now been verified by independent Quality Surveyor and that they had concluded that they were fair and reasonable. The scheme would not be viable with any affordable housing on site. A scheme of 100% open market housing only showed a small residual land value and would only be viable for the developer and land owner if a reduced profit was applied.



Public speaking

In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


David Butcher - Applicant/Agent




The Committee considered the application and a number of comments were raised about the lack of provision of affordable housing. In light of the further responses from the Council’s Viability Consultant, Officers advised that they remained satisfied that the assumptions and inputs used in appraising the financial viability of the proposed development were fair and reasonable and that a scheme providing any affordable housing would not be viable.  An objection to the application in relation to the absence of any affordable housing provision on the site would therefore not be justifiable in this particular instance.


A question was asked about the provision of electric charge points. Officers advised that the policy guidance was to provide 20% but they would seek to ask for as many as possible. Further comments were raised regarding affordable housing but Members did feel that it was a good scheme and although they could of provided more car parking spaces, they were generally in support of what was proposed.  


Moving to the recommendation, Recommendation A there were 14 in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention. Recommendation B there were 20 Councillors in favour.




Decision A

That subject to the applicant entering into appropriate legal agreement within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission to secure contributions towards education, recycling provision, off-site play area and playing pitch improvements, mitigation for the impact on the SPA, off-site highways improvements and on-site SuDS and open space management/maintenance and subject to conditions and informatives, permission be GRANTED, subject to amended Condition 1 in the update sheet.


Decision B

That in the event that the requirements of Recommendation A are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 51.


Item B1, WA/2018/0460 - Hewitts Industrial Estate, Elmbridge Road, Cranleigh, GU6 8LW pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following the outline approval of WA/2014/2384) erection of 120 new dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, open space and works (revision of WA/2017/1917).



That permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.




Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following the outline approval of WA/2014/2384) erection of 120 new dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, open space and works (revision of WA/2017/1917).


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that the item had been placed on the agenda to clarify the issue of roof lights and dormer windows facing the rear of properties in Bridge Gardens, following consideration of the application at the Joint Planning Committee meeting of 30 July 2018. At that meeting, the Committee was minded to grant planning permission subject to conditions, but on the understanding that there were no roof lights or dormer windows in the rear elevations. Subsequent to the meeting Officers clarified the situation and  confirmed that there were dormer windows in the rear elevations, and the Committee was invited to re-consider the application in light of this information. The report incorporated the amended and additional conditions agreed at the meeting of 30 July 2018, and the additional information presented on the update sheets at that meeting.


The Committee considered the application in light of the new information and most were in agreement that although they did not particularly like the scheme, the fact it had already been agreed at the outline stage was a material consideration. Cllr Mary Foryszewski thanked officers for bringing the application back for consideration following the corrected information. She spoke about the history of the site and that she did not like the appearance of the houses, similarly said by Cllr Kevin Deanus who felt that no thought had gone into the design. Cllr Liz Townsend asked about landscaping which she had raised at the last meeting and it was confirmed that a condition had been added to the recommendation to incorporate this. Cllr Paul Follows repeated his concerns that he raised at the last meeting and advised that he would be abstaining as he did not like the decision last time.   


A question was asked about whether there were electric charging points on the development and it was confirmed that this was not a reserved matter and had been agreed at outline stage. And although most Members did not like the development as proposed, it was felt that there was enough of a separation distance between the properties to allow for the dormer windows


The motion was put to the Committee and 12 voted in favour, 2 against and 6 Councillors abstained. Therefore the application was approved.



RESOLVED that permission be APPROVED subject to the addition of conditions 1-19 and informatived 1-4.