Agenda and minutes

Joint Planning Committee - Tuesday, 28th February, 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Ema Dearsley  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 February 2017 (to be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting).


The minutes of the meeting which took place on 15 February were confirmed and signed.



To receive apologies for absence.


Where a Member of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Area Planning Committee may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.



There were apologies from Councillors David Hunter, John ward, Mike Band, Kevin Deanus, Stewart Stennett, Brian Adams and Stephen Mulliner. Councillor Andrew Bolton was in attendance as a substitute.



To receive from Members declarations of interests in relation to any items included on the Agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest.


A1 - WA/2016/1418 - Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming GU7 1LG pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Outline application for the erection of up to 100 dwellings, including 17 affordable, together with associated amenity/play space; the erection of a building to provide a community use (Use Class D1) at ground floor level with office (Use Class B1) above following demolition of existing buildings except the ambulance station together with associated works (revision of WA/2016/0101) (as amended by email received 19/12/2016, plan received 18/01/2017 and Affordable Housing Viability Report received 18/01/2017)




RECOMMENDATION A - That subject to the completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure 17% affordable housing, infrastructure contributions towards off site highway improvements, primary education, provision of and public access to rear open space, management and maintenance of on-site SuDS within 3 months of the date of resolution to grant permission and conditions, permission be GRANTED.


RECOMMENDATION B - That, if requirements on Recommendation A are not met, permission be REFUSED.


Proposed development

Outline application for the erection of up to 100 dwellings, including 17 affordable, together with associated amenity/play space; the erection of a building to provide a community use (Use Class D1) at ground floor level with office (Use Class B1) above following demolition of existing buildings except the ambulance station together with associated works (revision of WA/2016/0101) (as amended by email received 19/12/2016, plan received 18/01/2017 and Affordable Housing Viability Report received 18/01/2017).


Officers update


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the proposed development, including site plans and an indicative layout. Members were advised that the application was deferred at the Joint Planning Committee on 19 December 2016 for the following reasons:  


- An improved indicative layout and design.

- A greater proportion of proposed employment uses in the scheme.

- A reduction in number of residential dwellings.

- A fully worked out parking plan


Since that meeting, the applicants had sought to address these matters and had submitted a revised indicative layout plan, indicated an increase in underground parking provision (66 spaces), an Affordable Housing Viability Report, which resulted in a reduction of affordable housing provision to 17% and an increase in Class B1 office space from 287 sq m to 574sqm.


The Committee noted from the update sheet that advised that there were two additional letters of objection and four in support but they did not raise any new matters which had not already been considered. The update included a plan providing an indicative layout for the proposed underground and under-croft car parking. It also highlighted relevant space for lifts and stairs access to the residential units above. There was also an amendment to condition 3 to include the additional drawing numbers.


Committee deliberations


The Committee considered the officers report and presentation, and discussed the application.


The Committee was pleased to see the steps taken by the applicant to amend the scheme since it had last been considered. Members were concerned about the amount of affordable housing and requested to see the viability report but were assured that the applicant’s Affordable Housing Viability Assessment had been independently reviewed by the DVS Property Specialists, which concluded that 17% affordable housing provision was the amount of affordable housing that can be provided in order for the scheme to be viable, together with the associated remediation and construction costs.


The Committee also raised concern about the flood risk for the underground car park. Members were advised that Thames Water has raised no objection to the scheme. Surrey County Council also raised no objection and was satisfied that a viable method of dealing with surface water could be achieved, which would not increase flood risk. This was because of a 17% reduction in the impermeable area and hence a consequential reduction in using the existing system. They had though requested suggested conditions requiring submission of a Surface water drainage scheme.


There was still slight concern about the height of the properties. However,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 91.


B1 - WA/2016/1419 - Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming GU7 1LG pdf icon PDF 908 KB


Change of use of land ancillary to existing commercial park to open space




Recommendation A - That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED


Recommendation B - In the event that permission is refused for WA/2016/1418,  permission be REFUSED



Change of use of land ancillary to existing commercial park to open space




RESOLVED that subject to the conditions noted in the agenda report, permission be GRANTED.


Recommendation B: RESOLVED that in the event that permission was refused for WA/2016/1418, permission be refused.