Agenda and draft minutes

Extraordinary, Council - Monday, 3rd June, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Ben Bix  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


Receive any Declarations of Interests


There were none.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, receive any questions or statements from the public in respect of the business for which the Extraordinary Meeting has been called

The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 28 May 2024.


There were none.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12, receive questions from Members in respect of the business for which the Extraordinary Meeting has been called

The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 28 May 2024.


There were none.


Appointment of Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer pdf icon PDF 541 KB

The Council is recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 6.


At the invitation of the Mayor, the Monitoring Officer clarified that the proposed appointment of the Joint Chief Executive as Returning Officer for local elections, the Acting Returning Officer for UK Parliamentary Elections, and Electoral Registration Officer would consequentially conclude the Assistant Director – Organisational Development’s appointment to the roles.


Members heard that local authorities would typically appoint their Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service as their Returning Officer, who would then appoint such deputies as necessary. Consultation had been undertaken with all Group Leaders and no objections had been received. The proposal had no impact on salaries, as Acting Returning Officer fees for UK Parliamentary Elections were set out in a statutory instrument.


Councillor Kiehl moved the recommendation, duly seconded by Cllr Fairclough. Councillor Kiehl commended Robin Taylor for performing his duties with diligence and skill and conveyed the thanks of the Council to Robin for his excellent tenure as Returning Officer.


In response to Councillor Hyman, the Mayor confirmed that the timing of the proposal was a consequence of the calling of the General Election, that Mr Wrobel was not the Returning Officer for Guildford Borough Council; and that the maximum fee recoverable by the Acting Returning Officer for UK Parliamentary Elections was set out online.


Having been proposed and seconded, the Mayor put the recommendations to the vote whereupon the Council


RESOLVED (unanimously):


1.    To appoint, with effect from 4 June 2024, Pedro Wrobel, Joint Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, as the Returning Officer for local elections, the Acting Returning Officer for UK Parliamentary Elections, and the Electoral Registration Officer; and


2.    To appoint, with effect from 4 June 2024, Chailey Gibb, Electoral Services Manager, as Deputy Electoral Registration Officer.