Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary, Council - Tuesday, 29th August, 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Ben Bix  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


40.1     Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Beaman, Laughton, Merryweather, Palmer, Steijger, Sullivan and Ward.




To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


41.1     The Leader of the Council declared an Other Registerable Interest as a Godalming Town Councillor, and as a Ward Member.


41.2     Councillor Atkins had taken advice from the Monitoring Officer and clarified that she had no interest to declare.


69 High Street, Godalming pdf icon PDF 546 KB

The Executive recommends to Council

             I.        the approval of a budget of £230,000 (Exempt Annexe 2), to be met from the Asset Investment Reserve, to progress Phase 1 of the revised project.  This will be to deliver the commercial element of the project to RIBA Stage 4 (the detailed design phase) and to enable the submission of a planning application for the commercial unit.


            II.        the approval of an overall capital budget of £1.96 million (including the £230,000 referred to above), as per the breakdown in Exempt Appendix 4, to cover the anticipated cost of the capital works to the commercial unit, with delegation to Executive to approve the final budget once tender returns for the construction contract have been received.

Additional documents:


42.1    The Leader introduced the report and moved the recommendations from the Executive, duly seconded by Cllr Clark.


42.2    The Leader stated that the project represented a first iteration of an approach to intervention in highstreets across the Borough that would form part of the new corporate strategy in the winter, and one which had been part of cross-party political manifestos during the election. Intervention in local highstreets was fundamental to their ongoing sustainability, rather than awaiting government intervention. Residents incorrectly assumed that the Borough Council chose which businesses operated on the high streets, and that the rent was set by the Borough Council who in turn would set and retain Business Rates. However, only around 5p in each £1 of Business Rates were retained by the Council, and the Council only set rents where it owned the site. 


42.3    The Leader continued that the Council had wider obligations than private businesses which included providing value for money for its residents together with tackling climate change through more ethical and sustainable actions. He expressed the view that a landlord should be financially sustainable enough to absorb short-term financial pressure, be viable in the long term, and not solely driven by profit but concerned also about sustainability and community values. The project would support Godalming HighStreet and bring forward sustainable housing in a Council owned development aligned to the Council’s corporate strategy. The Leader was of the view the debate on the matter should be held in open session, as much as possible.


42.4    Councillor Liz Townsend spoke in favour of the recommendations on behalf of the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Merryweather, and thanked Officers for their hard work on the project. All Councils had to generate additional income to replace core Government funding which had been withdrawn. The project would achieve additional income whilst Councils continued to face financial uncertainty through the government having again postponed the fair funding review. The Council had been prudent in the investments it had made to date working within a clearly defined investment strategy and risk appetite and the proposed tenant was attracted as part of an open market process. Waverley had experienced a weakening economy, and between 2016 and 2021 approximately 3,000 jobs had been lost with a year-on-year decline in the number of businesses being set up. More businesses had failed than had been started.  Therefore, the Council should do what it could to attract more businesses into the Borough and also a range of businesses onto high streets.  Members were reminded that the site had beenpurchased in early 2022 by the Council as a general fund mixed use development with the benefit of planning permission and the project was also aligned to the aspirations set out in the Corporate Strategy to optimise the availability of housing.


42.5    Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL42/23