Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 26th April, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Caudle Hall, Wilfrid Noyce Community Centre, Crown Court Car Park, Godalming, GU7 1DY

Contact: Louise Fleming  Democratic Services & Business Support Team Manager

No. Item



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


103.1   Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Baker, Beaman, Edmonds, David Else, Floyd-Douglass, Gray, Henry, Hesse, Howard, James, Knowles, Penny Marriott, Peter Marriott, Palmer, Potts and Rosoman.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 617 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 22 February 2022 (herewith).

Additional documents:


104.1   The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 22 February 2022 were confirmed and signed.




To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


105.1   There were no interests declared under this heading.





106.1   The Mayor updated the Council on his activities since his last meeting, which included attending the planting of a commemorative tree in the Highlane estate in Haslemere, the investiture of the new High Sheriff at Guildford Cathedral, presenting certificates to the Cranleigh Youth Council and the opening of the new bowls season at Godalming Bowls Club.  The Mayor welcomed the St George’s Day celebrations by the scouts of Godalming and the Choral Society’s production of Spamalot at Charterhouse.


106.2   The Mayor had worked for his charities for the day to raise money for them and paid tribute to their hard work.  The Mayor encouraged those who had not yet donated to donate and advised that he would be holding a final event on 16 May to thank all those who had supported him in his Mayoral year.




107.1   The Leader advised that there were still considerable administrative barriers in respect of the Ukrainian refugee scheme due to the rules put in place by the Home Office.  He thanked those Councillors who had attended the Code of Conduct training and highlighted the duty placed on all Councillors to consider the issues raised in the training and to remember to treat officers with decency and respect.


The Leader then invited the Executive to make the following announcements:


107.2  Councillor Clark provided an update on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme updated on FIP.  A session would be held on 9 May setting out the options, to which all Farnham councillors had been invited.  A public consultation exercise was due to be held in the summer.


107.3   Councillor MacLeod updated on the review of enforcement across the Council.  Objections had been received to a proposed increase in taxi fares and this would come to the June Executive meeting.  It was still hoped that Brightwells would open towards the end of the year. 


107.4   Councillor Merryweather updated on the one-off energy cost support payment, which the Council was administering on behalf of the Government and residents would be written to shortly.  A further Government scheme would be made available and details for distributing this money would be brought forward for approval as soon as practicable.


107.5   Councillor Mirylees updated on the proposed changes to No Mow May following the consultation and the work on the decarbonisation of the service.  Frensham Ponds had seen high visitor numbers recently and stakeholder meetings would be taking place regularly.  A consultant had been appointed to work on the leisure management contract procurement and she thanked Overview and Scrutiny for their input.  A positive workshop had been held on the future of Farnham Museum and a proposal would come forward soon for consideration.


107.6   Councillor Liz Townsend thanked officers for their work on the Ukrainian refugee scheme and thanked residents for opening up their homes.  The planning backlog had been addressed and thanked officers for their hard work.  The software was working well and the online portal had improved.  Dates for the inspection of Local Plan Part 2 were awaited and would be advised as soon as they were known.  ARG funding had been granted for the development of Business Improvement Districts, which would be supported by the Council.  A review of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy would begin shortly and Overview and Scrutiny would be involved.


107.7    Councillor Williams updated on the use of pesticides in the borough.  An options paper would be brought to June Executive on solar panels on the borough’s leisure centres.  Proposals for a cycle route between Godalming and Guildford would also be brought to June Executive.



To respond to questions from members of the public, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 19 April 2022.


Question from Mr Daniel Kuszel:


“Godalming recently received a flyer from the Liberal Democrats, with the results of a local survey showing that the poor state of street cleaning is a significant concern of residents - in fact it was the most significant concern, with 20% of residents highlighting it as a failure of Waverley Borough Council. The quality of street cleaning in Godalming has been poor for a number of years, and a survey was not needed to confirm this, however, what is the administration doing to improve street cleaning and weed control in Godalming.


108.1   The following question was received from Mr Daniel Kuszel in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


“Godalming recently received a flyer from the Liberal Democrats, with the results of a local survey showing that the poor state of street cleaning is a significant concern of residents - in fact it was the most significant concern, with 20% of residents highlighting it as a failure of Waverley Borough Council. The quality of street cleaning in Godalming has been poor for a number of years, and a survey was not needed to confirm this, however, what is the administration doing to improve street cleaning and weed control in Godalming.”


108.2   Councillor Steve Williams, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability gave the following response:


“Thank you for your question regarding street cleansing in Godalming.

On street cleansing, I would like to put things into context. The waste and street cleansing contract with Biffa has been running for 27 months, of which 23 months have, like all other services, been affected by the covid pandemic. This has led directly to the following challenges: 

·       massive driver and crew absences due to direct covid impacts - personal illness, self-isolation, bereavement

·       subsequent impact of HGV driver losses from early 2021, with up to 25% of driver posts being vacant at any time since then

·       around 15% more household waste arisings due to more people at home, so roughly 1 days’ worth more waste every week for Biffa to collect

·       a 27% rise in fly tipping cases, in the first year of the covid pandemic

In that time Biffa have, over and above the normal work

·       completed the planned collection round optimisation, which has reduced the contract cost and reduced our carbon footprint due to reduced mileage and the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles.

·       taken on over 1800 new garden waste customers 

·       provided an additional street sweeping truck for our contract at no extra cost

·       spent over an additional quarter of a million pounds in the current financial year, to keep the collection rounds operational in the face of the HGV driver crisis. This was to cover  

o     the well-publicised, unanticipated driver salary costs

o     additional vehicles to allow lower qualified drivers maintain the collection rounds

During this time, Officers have met with Biffa almost daily and members have been kept well informed of any issues and changes to services as they arose.

Those contract discussions have always centred on maintaining the waste collection rounds as a priority over street cleansing and maintaining our statutory collections of refuse, food waste and dry recyclables over garden waste.


Therefore, we agreed that street cleansing operations could be reduced over the pandemic period and the normal schedules permitted to slip, with the suspension of any default penalties, as long as necessary responsive work was then carried out where required. In turn, this has allowed street cleansing staff to cover the agreed priority, of refuse and recycling collection rounds, when crews have not been available.


However, in agreeing those priorities, Biffa have  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL108/21



To respond to any questions received from Members of the Council in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 19 April 2022.



109.1   The following question was received from Councillor Cosser in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.  Before asking his question, Councillor Cosser raised a point of order that a written response to his question had not been tabled.  The Leader of the Council responded that, in accordance with  Procedure Rule 11.5, an oral answer would be provided.


“Would the Leader of the Council please tell this Council:-


1.    Why proposals for a significant redevelopment of Godalming town centre   have been progressed since July 2020 only in secret within the Council and without any chance being given to the residents and businesses of Godalming to input into the considerations their wishes and priorities for the future of their town centre?


2.    Why he has gone back on the promise he made to finally release the proposals for public comment last month and when he now finally expects to release these proposals for the public to see?


3.    Whether his reluctance to give residents and businesses any say on this is because of his justified concern about the outrage that will be felt at the damage that his proposal to build housing on the Crown Court and Wharf Street car Parks will do to the future vitality of the historic town centre of Godalming?”


109.2   Councillor Follows, Leader of the Council addressed the use of the word “secret” in respect of Council business.  He advised that the word “exempt” was used which was in accordance with s12A of the Local Government Act 1972, which set out what the Council may reasonably do in confidential session and the reasons for that, commercial sensitivity being one of those reasons.  He highlighted that between June 2019 and April 2022, there had been 35 meetings of the Executive scheduled.  Only 5 of those went into exempt, 25 did not and 5 were cancelled.  Between June 2015 and May 2019, under the previous administration, there had been 46 meetings of the Executive scheduled and 15 of those went into exempt, 25 did not and 6 were cancelled.  He urged Members to take care with their language and not misinterpret exempt business as “secret”.


109.3   With the permission of the Mayor, the Leader asked Councillor Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets to respond in more detail as follows:


“While Cllr Cosser’s question is addressed to the Leader and raises mainly questions of process, there are some matters of substance that for completeness the Leader has asked me to cover off albeit at the risk perhaps of repeating points from the many public and private meetings and briefings that we’ve held as the project has progressed.


Cllr Cosser will of course be aware that the underlying fundamental problem with the Council’s offices pre-date this administration and that the Council started exploring options for all three sites way before 2019, although our predecessors were more focussed on selling the land to private developers we are focussed on delivering better than that for our residents.


Given the importance and complexities  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL109/21



This report sets out, for formal approval, the proposed Heads of Terms of the Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA) between Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils, together with draft terms of reference for a proposed new Joint Governance Committee, which will, amongst other matters, be responsible for periodically reviewing the IAA and the risk assessment associated with the collaboration.




It is recommended that the Council consider this report and the attached annexes and to adopt the following recommendations:


(1)  That the draft Heads of Terms of the Inter-Authority Agreement setting out the formal governance arrangements for joint working between Guildford and Waverley, as set out in Annexe 1 to this report, be approved.


(2)  That the Borough Solicitor be authorised to enter into the final Inter-Authority Agreement on behalf of Waverley Borough Council.


(3)  That the collaboration Risk Assessment, as set out in Annexe 2 be approved.


(4)  That the establishment of a Joint Governance Committee and its proposed composition and terms of reference, as set out in Annexe 3 to this report, be approved.


(5)  That the Joint Governance Committee be authorised to approve its standing orders at its first meeting.


(6)  That, subject to approval of paragraph (4) above, Waverley’s numerical allocation of seats to the political groups on the proposed Joint Governance Committee shall be as follows:


Conservative: two seats

Farnham Residents: two seats

Liberal Democrats: two seats


(7)  That the nominations for membership and substitute membership of the Joint Governance Committee for the 2022-23 municipal year, be considered at the Annual Council meeting on 17 May 2022.


(8)  That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Constitution to incorporate the establishment of the Joint Governance Committee, and its terms of reference; and, subject to paragraph (5) above, its standing orders.

Additional documents:


110.1   The Leader of the Council introduced the report, which set out the draft Head of Terms of the Inter-Authority Agreement for the collaboration between Guildford and Waverley Councils  The report also included the risk register for the process and the proposed terms of reference for the governance of the ongoing process.  The Leader thanked the officers from both Councils involved in drafting the agreement and the Members of both Councils involved in the joint working group which had met on a number of occasions to progress the drafting of the Heads of Terms for presentation to both Councils.  He welcomed their input, challenge and scrutiny in the process and advised that the draft Heads of Terms had been agreed by Guildford Borough Council earlier that month.


110.2   Councillor Mulliner spoke on the item, welcoming the opportunity to be involved in the joint working group and the development of the risk register, although cautioned that this should not be taken as an indication of his support for the project.  He expressed some concern over the predicted savings and benefits of the collaboration.


110.3   Councillors Seaborne, Martin and Goodridge spoke on the item, echoing the concerns raised and expressing concern over the timing and risks of the project.


110.4   Councillors Clark, Heagin and Merryweather spoke in support of the work and progress to date with the collaboration.


110.5   The Leader responded to the points raised in the debate and reiterated his thanks to all those involved in the drafting of the Heads of Terms.  The Borough Solicitor confirmed that the issues raised by Councillor Heagin would be addressed in the drafting of the agreement.  The Leader requested a recorded vote on the recommendations, in accordance with Procedure Rule 17.4, which was supported by five Members and it was




(1)  That the draft Heads of Terms of the Inter-Authority Agreement setting out the formal governance arrangements for joint working between Guildford and Waverley, as set out in Annexe 1 to the report, be approved.


(2)  That the Borough Solicitor be authorised to enter into the final Inter-Authority Agreement on behalf of Waverley Borough Council.


(3)  That the collaboration Risk Assessment, as set out in Annexe 2 be approved.


(4)  That the establishment of a Joint Governance Committee and its proposed composition and terms of reference, as set out in Annexe 3 to this report, be approved.


(5)  That the Joint Governance Committee be authorised to approve its standing orders at its first meeting.


(6)  That, subject to approval of paragraph (4) above, Waverley’s numerical allocation of seats to the political groups on the proposed Joint Governance Committee shall be as follows:


Conservative: two seats

Farnham Residents: two seats

Liberal Democrats: two seats


(7)  That the nominations for membership and substitute membership of the Joint Governance Committee for the 2022-23 municipal year, be considered at the Annual Council meeting on 17 May 2022.


(8)  That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Constitution to incorporate the establishment of the Joint Governance  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL110/21

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
CNL110/21 Local Government Collaboration - Approval of the Inter-Authority Agreement and Establishment of a Joint Governance Committee Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • CNL111/21


    To receive the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 8 March and 5 April 2022, and to consider the recommendations set out within.


    There are five Part I matters for Council consideration, set out in the following agenda items.


    9.1 EXE 109/21 Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy – Amendments following consultation

    9.2 EXE 110/21 Housing Asset Management Strategy

    9.3 EXE 111/21 Corporate Equality Objectives

    9.4 EXE 112/21 Community Governance Review of Towns and Parishes in the Waverley Borough Council Area

    9.5 EXE 113/21 Pre-election period publicity Policy


    There shall be no debate on any item contained in Part II of the Minutes but Members may give notice in writing, by email, or by phone, by noon on the day of the meeting of a statement or question, and give details of any question (PR14.14).


    Additional documents:


    111.1   It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 8 March and 5 April 2022 be received and noted.


    111.2   There were five Part I matters, for Council consideration, from the meeting on 5 April 2022.


    EXE 109/21 Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy - Amendments following consultation pdf icon PDF 451 KB

    To adopt the Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy.




    It is recommended that the Council adopts the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022-2025.


    Additional documents:


    112.1   The Leader of the Council introduced the item, which was presented by Councillor Paul Rivers, setting out the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy for approval.       


    112.2   Councillors Goodridge and Dickson spoke on the report.


    112.3   The Leader summed up and responded to the points raised and it was




    That the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022-2025 be adopted.


    EXE 110/21 Housing Asset Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 148 KB

    To present the final draft of the Housing Asset Management Strategy (HAMS), at Annexe One, for adoption.




    It is recommended that the Council:

    i       approves the Housing Asset Management Strategy 2022 to 2030 for adoption; and

    ii      notes that the Landlords Services Advisory Board undertakes to monitor the implementation and performance of the strategy.


    Additional documents:


    113.1   The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations, which were duly seconded.  Councillor Paul Rivers presented the report which set out the Housing Asset Management Strategy 2022 to 2030 for adoption.


    113.2   Cllr Mulliner spoke on the item and expressed concern that the strategy had not been considered by an Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Councillors Cosser, Seaborne, Goodridge and Jenny Else spoke on the item, expressing concern over the costs and timescales involved and the ability to deliver on the strategy.


    113.3   Councillors Williams and Wilson spoke in support of the proposals.  Councillor Foryszewski also spoke on the item.


    113.4   The Leader responded to the points raised in the debate, thanking the tenants involved in the Landlord Services Advisory Board for their input and reminded the Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees of their responsibility to conduct pre-decision scrutiny.  The Leader requested a recorded vote on the recommendations, in accordance with Procedure Rule 17.4, which was supported by five Members and it was




    i               That the Housing Asset Management Strategy 2022 to 2030 be adopted; and

    ii              That it be noted that the Landlord Services Advisory Board undertakes to monitor the implementation and performance of the strategy.


    For (25)

    Councillors Blishen, Clark, D’Arcy, Davidson, Dickson, Follows, Foryszewski, Gale, Heagin, Keen, MacLeod, Michaela Martin, Merryweather, Mirylees, Neale, Nicholson, Reed, Paul Rivers, Penny Rivers, Mr Mayor, Councillor Robini, Liz Townsend, Philip Townsend, Mr Deputy Mayor, Councillor Ward, Williams and Wilson. 


    Against (6)

    Councillors Cockburn, Cosser, Jenny Else, Peter Martin, Sadler and Seaborne.


    Abstentions (6)

    Councillors Deanus, Dear, Ellis, Goodridge, Hyman and Mulliner.


    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    CNL112/21 Housing Asset Management Strategy Resolution Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • CNL114/21

    EXE 111/21 Corporate Equality Objectives pdf icon PDF 232 KB

    The purpose of this report is to propose a new set of corporate equality objectives for recommendation to Council and an associated action plan.


    The proposed Corporate Equality Objectives and associated Action Plan are set out in Annexe 1 to this report.




    It is recommended that the Council:

    i       approves the Corporate Equality Objectives 2022- 25 as set out at Annexe 1  and

    ii    notes that the Corporate Equality Group undertakes to monitor the implementation of the associated Action Plan.


    Additional documents:


    114.1  It was agreed to defer this item to a future Council meeting to enable the associated action plan to be considered, which had been omitted from the agenda.


    EXE 112/21 Community Governance Review of Towns and Parishes in the Waverley Borough Council Area pdf icon PDF 149 KB

    A Community Governance Review (CGR) looks at the governance arrangements of the towns and parishes in the area under review and seeks to ensure that these are reflective of the identities and interests of the community in that area.


    At Full Council on 14 December 2021, the Council approved the commencement of a CGR and its terms of reference. The initial phase of the consultation has ended, and Officers have collated and started to evaluate responses.


    The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the selection criteria to be used to evaluate responses to the initial phase of the consultation, and to incorporate them in the draft recommendations for consideration during the second stage of the consultation between 3 May and 10 June. 




    It is recommended that the Council:


    (a)  Approves the method to evaluate the submissions made in the initial consultation period as set out in paragraph 4.4; and


    (b)  that the submissions that are agreed to have merit are incorporated in the draft recommendations for consideration in the second stage of consultation between 3 May and 10 June.


    Additional documents:


    115.1   The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations, which were duly seconded by Councillor Clark, and thanked the officers involved for their work on the proposals for a Community Governance Review of Towns and Parishes.


    115.2   Councillors Cosser, Seaborne and Cockburn also spoke on this item.


    115.3   The Leader responded to the comments raised and it was




    (a)  That the method to evaluate the submissions made in the initial consultation period as set out in paragraph 4.4 of the report be approved; and


    (b)  that the submissions that are agreed to have merit are incorporated in the draft recommendations for consideration in the second stage of consultation between 3 May and 10 June.



    EXE 113/21 Pre-election period publicity Policy pdf icon PDF 138 KB

    This report recommends the adoption of a Pre-Election Period Publicity Policy. 




    It is recommended that the Council approves the Pre-Election Period Publicity Policy, as set out in Annexe 1 to this report, with immediate effect.


    Additional documents:


    116.1   The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations, which were duly seconded by Councillor Clark and it was




    That the Pre-Election Period Publicity Policy, as set out in Annexe 1 to the report, be approved with immediate effect.





    117.1   The Mayor invited Councillor Hyman, who had registered to speak on Part II matters, to make his statement:


    117.2   In respect of EXE115/21 (Climate Change and Sustainability SPD), Councillor Hyman made a statement expressing concern over whether an appropriate assessment had been carried out.


    117.3   The Mayor responded to Councillor Hyman, reminding him of the independent legal advice provided on this issue previously.

    The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9.26pm.  The meeting resumed at 9.36pm.




    To receive the Minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on 28 March 2022, and to consider the recommendations set out within.


    There are three Part I matters for Council consideration, set out in the following agenda items.


    10.1 AUD 111/21 Anti-Money Laundering Policy – 2022 Update

    10.2 AUD 112/21 Finance Regulations Update

    10.3 AUD 113/21 Contract Procurement Rules – 2022 Update


    There shall be no debate on any item contained in Part II of the Minutes but Members may give notice in writing, by email, or by phone, by noon on the day of the meeting of a statement or question, and give details of any question (PR14.14).


    118.1   It was moved by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


    RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit Committee held on 28

    March 2022 be received and noted.


    118.2   There were three Part I matters for Council consideration from the minutes of the meeting on 28 March 2022.



    AUD 111/21 Anti-Money Laundering Policy - 2022 Update pdf icon PDF 208 KB

    The Anti Money Laundering Policy forms part of the Council’s governance toolkit supported primarily by the council Financial Regulations. It should be maintained and updated as and when required to adopt legislative changes and reflect best practice in the industry.


    The policy was last updated and approved by full Council in 2019. Whilst it is still fit for purpose there is some redundant terminology throughout which requires replacing, this consist of replacing the now defunct Serious Organised Crime Agency SOCA with the current National Crime Agency (NCA).




    It is recommended that the Council agree that the proposed amendments be approved and incorporated.


    Additional documents:


    119.1   It was moved by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and




    That the proposed amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering Policy be approved and incorporated.




    AUD 112/21 Finance Regulations Update pdf icon PDF 124 KB

    The Audit Committee was asked to consider the update to the Financial Regulations and recommend them to the Council, in compliance with the Audit Committee Terms of Reference under Article 8 of the Constitution.  Specifically, the Audit Committee is required to maintain an overview of the Council’s Constitution in respect of financial regulations.




    It is recommended that Council the adopts the updated Financial Regulations.


    Additional documents:


    120.1   It was moved by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and




    That the Council adopts the updated Financial Regulations.



    AUD 113/21 CPR Update pdf icon PDF 214 KB

    The Contract Procurement Rules (CPRs) form part of the Council’s Constitutional framework. They should be maintained and updated as and when required to adopt legislative changes, reflect best practice in the industry and support the Council’s corporate objectives.


    The Contract Procurement Rules were last updated and approved by full Council in February 2020. While the CPRs are still fit for purpose there are a small number of alterations required to reflect amendments to procurement regulations as well as to incorporate recommendations from the most recent procurement audit.


    Strategic procurement aspirations will be developed in a Sustainable Procurement Strategy and referenced to in future updates of council policies, including the forth coming Economic Development Strategy


    Summary of key changes:




    Throughout - Update of Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR) thresholds as of 1 January 2022

    The thresholds are revised every 2 years. This need to be reflected in the CPRs.

    CPR 4.12 – Added to allow greater flexibility to low value spend.

    Currently there is no ability to spend beyond the tendered sum for low value contracts. Whilst all possible spend should be captured at tender stage there is always the possibility of that additional services may be required after the contract has commenced. The current procedure is considered excessive for the sums involved.


    There is currently not a robust enough process for capturing any conflicts of interest with regards to procurement. The form is being introduced in conjunction with the refresh of the councils code of conduct for officers.




    That the proposed amendments to the Contract Procurement Rules be approved and incorporated into the Council’s Constitution.


    Additional documents:


    121.1   It was moved by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and




    That the proposed amendments to the Contract Procurement Rules be approved and incorporated into the Council’s Constitution.




    To receive the Minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 25 April 2022 (to follow), and to consider the recommendations set out within.


    There is one Part I matter for Council consideration, set out in the following agenda item.


    11.1 STD 19/21 Review of the remits of Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny



    122.1   It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


    RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Standards and General Purposes Committee held on 25 April 2022 be received and noted.


    122.2   There was one Part I matter for Council consideration from the minutes of the meeting on 25 April 2022.



    STD 19/21 Review of the remits of Resources and Services Overview & Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 199 KB

    To amend the remits of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Committees to better balance the workload of these Committees.




    That the Council amends the terms of reference for the Overview and

    Scrutiny Committees (Article 6.1, Part 3, Waverley Borough Council

    Constitution) as follows:


    6.1       Terms of Reference


    Waverley has two Overview and Scrutiny Committees covering the following areas:


    Overview and Scrutiny Committee

    Remit (Service Areas)

    1.    Resources



    Business Transformation

    Finance and Property

    Housing Operations

    Housing Delivery and Communities [housing related]

    Policy and Governance

    2.    Services


    This Committee will act as the designated Crime and Disorder Committee for the purposes of Section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006.

    Commercial Services

    Environmental and Regulatory Services

    Housing Operations

    Housing Delivery and Communities [non-housing related]

    Planning and Economic Development


                The Resources O&S committee may, with the agreement of the chairman and vice-chairman of the Services O&S Committee, assume responsibility for an item which would normally fall within the remit of Services O&S if it has substantial revenue or capital implications.



    123.1   It was moved by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and




    That the Council amends the terms of reference for the Overview and

    Scrutiny Committees (Article 6.1, Part 3, Waverley Borough Council

    Constitution) as follows:


    6.1       Terms of Reference


    Waverley has two Overview and Scrutiny Committees covering the following areas:


    Overview and Scrutiny Committee

    Remit (Service Areas)

    1.    Resources



    Business Transformation

    Finance and Property

    Housing Operations

    Housing Delivery and Communities [housing related]

    Policy and Governance

    2.    Services


    This Committee will act as the designated Crime and Disorder Committee for the purposes of Section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006.

    Commercial Services

    Environmental and Regulatory Services

    Housing Operations

    Housing Delivery and Communities [non-housing related]

    Planning and Economic Development


                The Resources O&S committee may, with the agreement of the chairman and vice-chairman of the Services O&S Committee, assume responsibility for an item which would normally fall within the remit of Services O&S if it has substantial revenue or capital implications.




    MOTIONS pdf icon PDF 6 KB

    To consider the following motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1:


    12.1    Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

    12.2    RSPCA motion on the protection of animals and vulnerable persons affected by seasonal issues

    12.3    Climate Emergency Action Plans


    The deadline for receipt of motions was 5pm on Tuesday 12 April 2022.

    Additional documents:


    124.1  A motion was moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor and it was


    RESOLVED that the Council


         i.        sends an address to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II offering Her Majesty the congratulations of Waverley Borough Council in the name of the people of Waverley, on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of her accession to the throne and wishing her long to reign; and

        ii.        encourages residents to mark and celebrate this significant occasion.


    124.2  A motion was moved by Councillor Mirylees and seconded by Councillor Follows.


    124.3  Councillors Foryszewski, Hyman, Keen, Peter Martin, Cosser and Gale spoke in the debate.


    124.4  At 9.53pm, in accordance with Procedural Rule 9 (Adjournment of Meeting) and on the recommendation of the Mayor, Council RESOLVED to continue the meeting until Council had concluded its consideration of the agenda.


    124.5  Councillor Merryweather proposed an amendment to ban helium balloons as well as sky lanterns on all Council land.  Councillors Goodridge, Dickson, Cosser, Heagin, Keen, Liz Townsend, Mulliner and Wilson spoke on the amendment.  Councillor Merryweather withdrew his amendment to enable further discussion at a future meeting following examination of data on the effect of helium balloons.  Councillor Follows proposed a new amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Cosser to remove the reference to helium balloons from the bullet point relating to Towns and Parishes, on the understanding that further consideration be given to the matter at a later date.  Councillor Hyman spoke on the amendment.


    124.6  The Mayor put the amended proposal to the vote which was carried by general assent and it was




    ?     To amend the licence conditions for events on council land to include

    §  A requirement to advertise all public firework displays within the local authority boundaries well in advance of the event.

    §  A recommendation that organisers investigate the use of ‘quieter’ fireworks.

    ?     To actively promote a public awareness campaign for organisers of events on private land and the owners of that land in respect of the impact of fireworks on animal welfare and vulnerable people and measures to mitigate the risks; and to encourage them to adopt the principles of this motion

    ?     To encourage local firework suppliers to stock ‘quieter’ fireworks for public display.

    ?     To reaffirm the ban in the licence conditions for events on council land, of:

    §  The giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Waverley Borough Council  land.

    §  The release of sky lanterns on Waverley Borough Council land.

    ·           To engage with Town and Parish Councils to encourage them to adopt the motion and introduce bans on the use of animals as prizes and on the release of sky lanterns from their land, if they have not already done so.

    ·           To write to the UK Government and urge them:           

           ? To introduce legislation to limit the maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB for those sold to the public for private displays, and,

           ? To ban:

    §  The giving of live animals as prizes on both public and private land,  ...  view the full minutes text for item CNL124/21

    Recorded Vote
    TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
    CNL117/21 12.3 Climate Emergency Action Plans Motion Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • CNL125/21




    That the Council notes that, in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules, the Leader of the Council has made the following delegation to the Co-Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery) and Housing (Operations):


    To approve all matters falling within the Housing Landlord Service and within the agreed Budget and Policy Framework, subject to the exclusions and parameters set out below.



    Matters reserved to be referred to Full Council as part of the Budget and Policy Framework.

    Matters delegated to Officers under the Scheme of Delegation to Officers.

    Matters which the Leader and/or Executive have reserved to the Executive.

    Matters delegated to another committee of the Council, i.e., approval of statutory accounts.


    Exercise of delegation is subject to:

    The provisions of the Constitution, including the Financial Regulations and Contract Procurement Rules.

    Consultation with other Executive members as appropriate.

    The right of the Co-Portfolio Holder concerned to refer the matter to the Executive if they so wish.

    The matter being referred to the Executive where there is a dispute between the relevant Co-PFH and another Executive member.





    That the Council notes that, in accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules, the Leader of the Council has made the following delegation to the Co-Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery) and Housing (Operations):


    To approve all matters falling within the Housing Landlord Service and within the agreed Budget and Policy Framework, subject to the exclusions and parameters set out below.



    Matters reserved to be referred to Full Council as part of the Budget and Policy Framework.

    Matters delegated to Officers under the Scheme of Delegation to Officers.

    Matters which the Leader and/or Executive have reserved to the Executive.

    Matters delegated to another committee of the Council, i.e., approval of statutory accounts.


    Exercise of delegation is subject to:

    The provisions of the Constitution, including the Financial Regulations and Contract Procurement Rules.

    Consultation with other Executive members as appropriate.

    The right of the Co-Portfolio Holder concerned to refer the matter to the Executive if they so wish.

    The matter being referred to the Executive where there is a dispute between the relevant Co-PFH and another Executive member.






    That the Council approves the extended absence of Councillor Anne-Marie Rosoman for a further period of six months due to her ongoing ill-health.





    That the continuing absence of Councillors Anne-Marie Rosoman and John Gray be approved for a further six months due to their ongoing ill-health.