Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 20th October, 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 21 July 2015 (herewith).


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 21 July 2015 were confirmed and signed.



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs David Else, Jill Hargreaves, Nicholas Holder, Peter Isherwood, Carole King and Stephen Mulliner.



To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


Cllr Maurice Byham declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Minute No. 56 of the Executive meeting held on 1 September 2015 (Review of Special Responsibility Allowances) and left the meeting during consideration of the item.




The Mayor thanked everyone who had participated in or sponsored those in his sponsored walk in September.  The event had raised almost £3,000. He also reported that his gala ball on 19 December 2015 was sold out having been overwhelmed by people booking via the priority booking system.  However, he was arranging a concert at St Catherines on 19 March 2016 to which councillors would be invited.


The Mayor had attended three events in the borough where the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service had been given and he reminded councillors about the garden party at Charterhouse which was taking place on 22 October to give thanks on behalf of Waverley to the many volunteers in the borough.



To answer the following question from Mr Jerry Hyman of Farnham, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


“Mr Mayor,


In 2013 redacted notes of the Council's Brightwell Steering Group meetings were obtained under the FoI Act, which confirmed that numerous changes to the design and content of the East Street scheme are to be made, and so for more than 2 years Farnham has been patiently awaiting further news;  in particular, the Council had confirmed that planning applications will be necessary for both :


(i) the changes to design and use of block D20, due to the removal of the Brightwell Gostrey Centre from the scheme, and


(ii) the changes to the arrangements for the dedicated temporary Construction Access, to use a Bailey Bridge and Borelli Walk.


In respect of the latter, the intended change to use a Bailey Bridge design launched from the south riverbank, requiring that Borelli Walk be used as a Site Compound and Haul Route from South Street, was also confirmed by Council documents in July, and as it involves significant impacts outside of the area, scope and parameters of the existing EIA for the project, the law requires prior environmental assessment.  Indeed the Planning Department's own advice from 2013/14  (again obtained under FoI) stated that in respect of the revised construction access proposals, "a new planning application would need to be submitted as it would be notably different to the extant scheme" and that "As per the previous scheme, all necessary updates to the Environmental Statement would need to be carried out and submitted up front with a new application".


The minor works conducted by Crest-Sainsbury's in August were intended to serve as 'Material Starts' for the revised Brightwells and Construction Access developments, but as the necessary planning applications and prior assessment of likely environmental impacts are still awaited, it is quite obvious that the required consents for those works cannot exist and that the assumed past permissions cannot lawfully apply.     


In view of those simple facts, can Members and the public be assured that the Council will not allow any further demolition works or tree felling for the East Street project to be carried out until planning permissions for all the known changes to scheme, including those outlined above, have been obtained?  


[NB. Questions from members of the public express personal views of the questioners and Waverley does not endorse any statements in any way and they do not reflect the views of Waverley Borough Council].



The following question was received from Mr Hyman of Farnham in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


“Mr Mayor,


In 2013 redacted notes of the Council's Brightwell Steering Group meetings were obtained under the FoI Act, which confirmed that numerous changes to the design and content of the East Street scheme are to be made, and so for more than 2 years Farnham has been patiently awaiting further news; in particular, the Council had confirmed that planning applications will be necessary for both :


(i) the changes to design and use of block D20, due to the removal of the Brightwell Gostrey Centre from the scheme, and


(ii) the changes to the arrangements for the dedicated temporary Construction Access, to use a Bailey Bridge and Borelli Walk.


In respect of the latter, the intended change to use a Bailey Bridge design launched from the south riverbank, requiring that Borelli Walk be used as a Site Compound and Haul Route from South Street, was also confirmed by Council documents in July, and as it involves significant impacts outside of the area, scope and parameters of the existing EIA for the project, the law requires prior environmental assessment. Indeed the Planning Department's own advice from 2013/14 (again obtained under FoI) stated that in respect of the revised construction access proposals, "a new planning application would need to be submitted as it would be notably different to the extant scheme" and that "As per the previous scheme, all necessary updates to the Environmental Statement would need to be carried out and submitted up front with a new application".


The minor works conducted by Crest-Sainsbury's in August were intended to serve as 'Material Starts' for the revised Brightwells and Construction Access developments, but as the necessary planning applications and prior assessment of likely environmental impacts are still awaited, it is quite obvious that the required consents for those works cannot exist and that the assumed past permissions cannot lawfully apply.


In view of those simple facts, can Members and the public be assured that the Council will not allow any further demolition works or tree felling for the East Street project to be carried out until planning permissions for all the known changes to scheme, including those outlined above, have been obtained?”


The Portfolio Holder for Brightwells, Cllr Julia Potts, replied as follows:-


“Thank you Mr Hyman for your question.  I think you may be under the impression that further planning applications are required before the scheme can be implemented.  This is not however the case because  the planning consents for both the main Brightwells scheme and the temporary bridge from the site to the A31 have been lawfully implemented.  A number of conditions are in place which control the development, and that includes a requirement that before works take place  to further implement the main scheme, the temporary bridge is constructed.


However, if Crest Nicholson wish to amend the consented scheme then it will be for them to submit the necessary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27/15



To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Executive (coloured grey):-



Meeting of 1 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman of the Executive and duly seconded that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 1 September 2015 be approved and adopted.


(i)         Budget Management 2015/16 (Minute No. 54)


A revised table relating to HRA Core Capital at paragraph 54.3 was circulated to all members.


(ii)        Play Area Strategy 2015-2024 (Minute No. 55)


            Members congratulated the work that had been achieved in play areas across the Borough and the Leader undertook to write to Cllr Williamson with specific details about the improvements at Farnham Park.


(iii)       HRA Asset Management Strategy 2015-2020 (Minute No. 57)


            It was noted that a detailed answer would be sent to the councillor requesting further information about the housing developments at Station Road and Ockford Ridge in Godalming.


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 September 2015 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.



Meeting of 6 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 182 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman of the Executive, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Executive Meeting held on 6 October 2015 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.




To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 24 September 2015 (coloured bright green).



It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 24 September 2015 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.




To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 15 September 2015 (coloured lilac).

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Audit Committee held on 15 September 2015 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.