Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 24th April, 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Fiona Cameron  Interim Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 20 February 2018 (herewith).


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 20 February 2018 were confirmed and signed.



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Pat Frost, Michael Goodridge, Stephen Hill, Christiaan Hesse, Martin Lear, Kika Mirylees,     Libby Piper, Sam Pritchard and Liz Wheatley.



To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


Cllr Tom Martin had previously declared a Non-Pecuniary interest in Item 14, in relation to Minute 123, Godalming Cricket Club, as he was a Director of Holloway Hill Recreation Ground where the Club played.




The Mayor advised on a little bit of history that HMS Hambledon, which was a second world war destroyer, was adopted by Hambledon Rural District Council. He would announce more about this at the Annual Council meeting in May.   



To answer questions from members of the public, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 17 April 2018.


There were no questions received from members of the public.



To answer any questions received in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2.


There were no questions received from Members.



To receive any motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1.


A motion was put by the Mayor that a letter be sent to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for the birth of their third child.


Local Plan Part 1

At its meeting on 10 April 2018, the Executive APPROVED a Supplementary Estimate of £100,000 and,


RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that a further Supplementary Estimate of £100,000 be approved, for external legal costs to defend the Council’s position on the Judicial Review challenges to Waverley’s adoption of Local Plan Part 1, to be met from the Revenue Reserve Fund.


[Reason: to enable the Council to defend the legal challenges to Waverley’s adopted Local Plan Part 1.]


Council RESOLVED to approve a Supplementary Estimate of £100,000 for external legal costs to defend the Council’s position on the Judicial Review challenges to Waverley’s adoption of Local Plan Part 1, to be met from the Revenue Reserve Fund.


This is in addition to the £100,000 Supplementary Estimate agreed by the Executive on 10 April 2018 for the same purpose.


Community Infrastructure Levy: Approval to submit Draft Charging Schedule for Examination pdf icon PDF 84 KB

The attached report feeds back to Members the outcome of the consultation on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule, held in December 2017/January 2018, and to seeks approval to submit the Draft Charging Schedule for Examination.


The Executive considered this item at its meeting on 10 April 2018, and RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that:


1.         the Draft Charging Schedule and the Schedule of Minor Modifications be approved for submission to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination; and


2.         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, to

  • approve any subsequent minor changes to the Draft Charging Schedule and schedule of minor modifications, and


  • approve supporting documents to be submitted, including the Draft Regulation 123 list, policies on instalments, phasing and payment in kind,  the Statement of Representations and the Viability Addendum Report.   


[Reason: to enable Draft Charging Schedule to be submitted for Examination.]

Additional documents:


Council RESOLVED that:


1.         the Draft Charging Schedule and the Schedule of Minor Modifications be approved for submission to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination; and


2.         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, to

·        approve any subsequent minor changes to the Draft Charging Schedule and schedule of minor modifications, and

·        approve supporting documents to be submitted, including the Draft Regulation 123 list, policies on instalments, phasing and payment in kind,  the Statement of Representations and the Viability Addendum Report.   


Property Investment Strategy pdf icon PDF 81 KB

The attached report presents a revised Property Investment Strategy and proposes delegations to the Executive to progress general fund investment opportunities. The report also sets out a revised composition for the Investment Advisory Board to strengthen the governance in the decision making for property investments.


The Executive considered this item at its meeting on 10 April, and RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that


1.            the General Fund Property Investment Strategy be approved, as set out in Annexe 1 with a commitment to review it again after 6 months;


2.            subject to a positive recommendation from the Investment Advisory Board and agreement from the Chief Executive and Strategic Director, authority be delegated to the Executive:


a.            to bid, negotiate and complete on property acquisitions and investments with a total individual cost of up to £10m, within a total aggregate sum of £30m over the period 2018/2019 to 2020/21, subject to the decision fully satisfying all criteria and process requirements set out in this Strategy;


b.            to appoint advisors and undertake appropriate due diligence for each property acquisition and investment proposal as necessary; and


c.            to complete the legal matters and signing of contracts to execute the transactions referred to above; and


3.            the proposed composition of the Investment Advisory Board be approved and revised Terms of Reference take effect immediately.


[Reason: to agree the revised Property Investment Strategy and delegations to the Executive to progress General Fund investment opportunities; to agree a revised composition and Terms of Reference of the Investment Advisory Board.]

Additional documents:


Council RESOLVED that


1.         the General Fund Property Investment Strategy be approved, as set out in Annexe 1 with a commitment to review it again after 6 months;


2.         subject to a positive recommendation from the Investment Advisory Board and agreement from the Chief Executive and Strategic Director, authority be delegated to the Executive:


a.        to bid, negotiate and complete on property acquisitions and investments with a total individual cost of up to £10m, within a total aggregate sum of £30m over the period 2018/2019 to 2020/21, subject to the decision fully satisfying all criteria and process requirements set out in this Strategy;


b.        to appoint advisors and undertake appropriate due diligence for each property acquisition and investment proposal as necessary; and


c.        to complete the legal matters and signing of contracts to execute the transactions referred to above; and


3.        the proposed composition of the Investment Advisory Board be approved and revised Terms of Reference take effect immediately.



The Members of the Investment Advisory Board was agreed as:


Cllr Ged Hall (Chairman)

Cllr Jim Edwards (Executive Member)


Non-executive Members:

Cllr Mike Band

Cllr Denise Le Gal

Cllr Mike Hodge

Cllr Peter Martin


Treasury Management Framework 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

The attached report sets out the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2018/19, comprising:

·         revised Treasury Management Policy;

·         2018/19 Treasury Management Strategy;

·         2018/19 Treasury Management Investment Strategy; and

·         Prudential Indicators for 2018/19 to 2020/21.


The Executive considered the Treasury Management Framework for 2018/19 at its meeting on 10 April 2018, and RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that the proposed Treasury Management Framework for 2018/19 be approved.


 [Reason: to agree the the Treasury Management Framework for 2018/19.]

Additional documents:


Council RESOLVED to approved the Treasury Management Framework for 2018/19.


Housing Strategy 2018-23: Housing Strategy and Delivery pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This attached report presents a revised Housing Strategy for Strategic Housing and Delivery. This Housing Strategy will be a key Council document, setting out a clear direction of travel for our Strategic Housing Services over the next 5 years.


The Executive considered the Housing Strategy at its meeting on 10 April 2018, and RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that the Housing Strategy 2018-23 – Housing Strategy and Delivery be adopted.


 [Reason: to adopt the Housing Strategy 2018-23 – Housing Strategy and Delivery]


Additional documents:


Council RESOLVED to adopt the Housing Strategy 2018-23 – Housing Strategy and Delivery.


Homelessness Strategy 2018-23 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

The Council is legally required to produce a Homelessness Strategy at least every five years. Waverley’s current strategy runs from July 2013 - July 2018. Waverley’s revised Homelessness Strategy for 2018 – 2023 is attached.


The Executive considered the revised Homelessness Strategy at its meeting on 10 April 2018, noted the Council’s continued success in preventing homelessness, and RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that the Homelessness Strategy 2018-23 be adopted.


[Reason: to adopt the Homelessness Strategy 2018-23.]

Additional documents:


Council RESOLVED to adopt the Homelessness Strategy 2018-23.



To receive and note the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 10 April 2018 (attached - coloured grey).


Matters considered by the Executive and recommended to Council for decision are detailed in this agenda as separate items.


It was moved by the Leader of the Council, duly seconded and


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 10 April 2018

be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.



To receive the Minutes of the Audit Committee held on 27 March 2018 (attached – coloured lilac).

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED    that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit Committee held on 27 March be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.