Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 9th December, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming. View directions

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 14 October 2014 (herewith).


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 14 October 2014 were confirmed and signed.



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Stella Andersen-Payne, Gillian Beel, Jenny Else, Lynn Graffham, Jill Hargreaves, Carole King, Nicky Lee, Denis Leigh, Peter Martin and Jennifer O’Grady.



To receive from Members declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


There were no interests raised under this heading.




The Mayor informed the Council that she had attended 199 engagements since the last meeting and that she had welcomed over 200 people at her Volunteers Tea Party.


The Mayor thanked everyone who had helped support the Mayor’s Christmas Fayre which had raised £960 for the Mayor’s Charity.


Councillors were reminded of the date of Cllr Somerville’s funeral which was due to take place on 18 February at St Nicolas Church in Cranleigh and the Mayor said that she was hoping to attend.  She also gave the date of the Waverley Carol Service as being 19 December 2014.



To answer the following questions from members of the public, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


i.          from Mr Ken Reed of Cranleigh


            The Head of Planning, Matthew Evans, was reported in an article on the front page of the Cranleigh edition of the Surrey Advertiser, 21st November, as saying, “There is justification for applying the area of search for the sequential test across Cranleigh only. This is on the grounds that the draft Waverley Strategic Housing Market Assessment, October 2013, should be given weight as it is evidence of housing need. This evidence identifies a need for housing in the settlement.” (Settlement meaning Cranleigh).


Does the Portfolio Holder for Planning agree with me that the Head of Planning is wrong and that the SHMA does not identify housing need by settlement? If, however, he does not agree with me would he please quote the exact location in the SHMA by page and paragraph that identifies the housing need in Cranleigh?”


ii.         from Mr Patrick Haveron of Godalming


            “As Waverley has decided to rush straight to a draft Local Plan in March, ignoring the issues and options stage, would the Council apologise for the use of the word 'scenarios' in its consultation? As a fifth Option is likely, why was that not included as originally agreed by Council?”


[NB. Questions from members of the public express personal views of the questioners and Waverley does not endorse any statements in any way and they do not reflect the views of Waverley Borough Council].


The following questions were received from members of the public in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:-


i.          from Mr Ken Reed of Cranleigh


            The Head of Planning, Matthew Evans, was reported in an article on the front page of the Cranleigh edition of the Surrey Advertiser, 21st November, as saying, “There is justification for applying the area of search for the sequential test across Cranleigh only. This is on the grounds that the draft Waverley Strategic Housing Market Assessment, October 2013, should be given weight as it is evidence of housing need. This evidence identifies a need for housing in the settlement.” (Settlement meaning Cranleigh).


Does the Portfolio Holder for Planning agree with me that the Head of Planning is wrong and that the SHMA does not identify housing need by settlement? If, however, he does not agree with me would he please quote the exact location in the SHMA by page and paragraph that identifies the housing need in Cranleigh?”


The Portfolio Holder for Planning responded as follows:-


“While the overall SHMA figure is Borough-wide, there is plenty of information in the SHMA which provides information on housing need in Cranleigh.


For example the draft SHMA identifies on Table 22 that the proportion of households in Cranleigh that are unable to afford market need without subsidy is higher in Cranleigh than the other main settlements. Table 23 identifies the number of Cranleigh’s households in unsuitable housing, Table 24 identifies the backlog need in Cranleigh, Table 25 identifies Cranleigh’s need from newly forming households, Table 26 identifies Cranleigh’s need from existing households.  Finally Table  27 estimates Cranleigh’s future overall housing need.  That is the complete record of what is required in Cranleigh”


ii.         from Mr Patrick Haveron of Godalming


            “As Waverley has decided to rush straight to a draft Local Plan in March, ignoring the issues and options stage, would the Council apologise for the use of the word 'scenarios' in its consultation? As a fifth Option is likely, why was that not included as originally agreed by Council?”


The Portfolio Holder for Planning responded as follows:


“It is not clear what fifth option is being suggested or why the Council needs to apologise for the use of the word scenarios. 


The Council considers that the best way to get the community’s  views on housing delivery is to consult on a number of reasonable alternatives. In the consultation on the  four scenarios there was also the opportunity for other scenarios to be promoted. A whole page was available for this.


The Council’s approach to producing a plan is consistent with Government guidance. While it is keen to prepare a plan as soon as possible, it doesn’t accept that it has been rushed.” 




To receive the following motion submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1 by Cllr David Munro:-


“In view of a recent postal survey on the desirability of pedestrianisation in Farnham Town Centre that was supported by a majority of those Farnham residents who responded, and the need to improve air quality in the centre of Farnham, this Council:


-  Supports the general principle of providing more pedestrian-friendly areas in Farnham town centre.


-  Urges the highways authority to work with Waverley Borough Council and others to devise and implement a financially-affordable package of measures to achieve this aim.”


In accordance with Procedure Rule 12.3, the motion upon being moved and seconded, shall stand referred without further discussion to the Executive.


The following motion was submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1 by Cllr David Munro:-


“In view of a recent postal survey on the desirability of pedestrianisation in Farnham Town Centre that was supported by a majority of those Farnham residents who responded, and the need to improve air quality in the centre of Farnham, this Council:


-  Supports the general principle of providing more pedestrian-friendly areas in Farnham town centre.


-  Urges the highways authority to work with Waverley Borough Council and others to devise and implement a financially-affordable package of measures to achieve this aim.”


Upon being moved and seconded, in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.3, the motion was referred without further discussion to the Executive.




To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on:-


4 November 2014 pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman of the Executive, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 4 November 2014 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.


2 December 2014 pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman of the Executive, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 2 December 2014 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted, subject to the clarification in Recommendation 56 of the date as 1 January 2015.




To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Joint Planning Committee held on:-

Additional documents:


It was recorded that Cllr Stephen Mulliner had been present at the meeting on 28 October 2014 and agreed that the minutes be revised to reflect this.


It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Meetings of the Joint Planning Committee held on 28 October, 12 and 17 November 2014 be approved.




To receive the minutes of the Audit Committee held on 19 November 2014 (herewith – coloured lilac)


It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit Committee held on 19 November 2014 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.




To confirm the appointment of Cllr Diane James as a member of the Joint Planning Committee to replace Cllr Brett Vorley who has resigned from the Committee with immediate effect.


RESOLVED  that Cllr Diane James be appointed to the Joint Planning Committee for the remainder of the current Council year, to replace Cllr Brett Vorley who had resigned from the Committee with immediate effect.



The Council to approve the extended absence of Cllr Lynn Graffham for a further six months due to her recent period of ill-health.


RESOLVED  that approval be given to the extended absence of Cllr Lynn Graffham for a further six months due to her continuing ill-health.