Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 25th April, 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming

Contact: Emma McQuillan  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 21 February 2017 (herewith).


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 21 February 2017 were confirmed and signed.



The Mayor to report apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mike Band, David Else, Michael Goodridge, Val Henry, Martin Lear, Denise Le Gal, Andy MacLeod, Stephen Mulliner, Sam Pritchard and John Ward.


Cllr Mary Foryszewski gave apologies that she would be leaving the meeting early to attend a civic engagement that had been in the diary for some time.



To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct.


With regard to Executive Minute no. 168 relating to the Call-In of the Dunsfold Park application, the following interests were declared:-


Cllr Kevin Deanus declared a non-pecuniary interest and left the Chamber for consideration of the item because he considered his interest to have significant weight as to undermine his ability to make an objective decision.


Cllr John Gray declared a non-pecuniary interest as he declared the same at the Joint Planning Committee which determined the application.  He remained in the meeting.


Cllr Richard Seaborne declared a non-pecuniary interest as Vice-Chairman of Bramley Parish Council which takes a different stance to Waverley on this matter.  Cllr Maurice Byham declared a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Bramley Parish Council.  Both remained in the Chamber for consideration of the item.


Cllrs Jeanette and Stewart Stennett also declared pecuniary interests in Executive Minute No. 161 regarding Enforcement Action, but remained in the Chamber as there was no discussion on the item at the meeting.





The Mayor thanked councillors for their good wishes and confirmed that he was recovering well from the recent operation on his foot.


He informed the Council that he had attended Farnham Rugby Club where Farnham had successfully beaten Saltash in a semi-final match and would now be playing in the finals at Twickenham on May 6.  He had also attended Guildford Cathedral to see the installation of the new High Sheriff for Surrey, Robert Napier, who lives within the borough of Waverley; and attended a service at Southwark Cathedral celebrating 150 years of King Edwards School at its location in Witley.


The Mayor thanked those who had attended or supported his recent Barn Dance, and invited councillors to also sponsor a charity bike ride in Farnham raising money for the Mayor’s charity.


The Mayor wished those councillors who were standing in the County Council elections the best of luck.



To answer any questions from members of the public, received in accordance with Procedure Rule 10. 


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on 18 April 2017.


The following question was received from the Cranleigh Civic Society in accordance with Procedure Rule 10:


 “Why have members of the Executive, who do not live in Cranleigh, decided to reduce Cranleigh’s representation on the Joint Planning Committee from four councillors to ONE sole councillor representing Cranleigh residents, and how do they justify this decision, in light of their blatant predetermination to dump as much housing as they can get away with in Cranleigh, now, and in the future, whilst deliberately overlooking, ignoring, and dismissing significant material constraints?”

The response given was as follows:-

            “Appointments of councillors to Committees do not fall within the remit of responsibility of the Executive, and are instead agreed by the Council at its Annual Council Meeting, this year being held on 9 May 2017.  It is not therefore possible to comment upon the membership of the Joint Planning Committee for 2017/18 because the membership of the Committee has not yet been agreed.  The composition of the Joint Planning Committee takes into account political proportionality, representation from the four Area Planning Committees and member options.  There are currently 7 members (from a total of 23 members) from the Eastern Area Planning Committee which deals with planning applications for the Cranleigh area and this is a higher proportion than the other three areas of the Borough.”



To answer the following question received in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2 from Cllr Robert Knowles, Haslemere East and Grayswood Ward:-


“What written response has Waverley Borough Council made to the consultation on Stroke services in West Surrey which proposes two units in north west Surrey and no service in south Surrey, what discussions has the portfolio holder had with the CCG, NHS England, the Secretary of State and SE Coast Ambulance service?”



The following question was submitted by Cllr Robert Knowles, Haslemere East and Grayswood Ward, in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2:-

            “What written response has Waverley Borough Council made to the consultation on Stroke services in West Surrey which proposes two units in north west Surrey and no service in south Surrey, what discussions has the portfolio holder had with the CCG, NHS England, the Secretary of State and SE Coast Ambulance service?”

The response given was as follows:-

“As part of the Public Consultation for Improving Stroke Care West Surrey the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Cllr Jenny Else, has been gathering the views of Waverley’s residents.  The main areas of concern are:

Ambulance Response Times

  1. Waverley’s residents’ lack confidence in ambulance response times; especially in the south and east of the Borough to get them to the nearest HASUs and ASUs which are proposed to be located at Frimley Park Hospital and St Peter’s Hospital.


  1. There is confusion about the speed of stroke diagnosis and treatment to ensure best outcome for patients.  The public understanding is the ‘golden hour’ and door to needle time promoted for cardiology patients but there are a wider range of factors that contribute to securing the best outcomes for stroke patients.


  1. Is it realistic that a model trialled in London will work in rural area (In London longest ambulance transfer of 17mins is indicated)?


  1. South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) are in special measures - Residents have been assured that the problems with SECAmb were mainly with Kent/Sussex and have now been resolved - Does SECAmb still have an ‘area wide’ target time which disadvantages those living in the furthest reaches of the Borough?  There is concern that a ‘whole population’ approach will certainly disadvantage the rural community.



  1. Through conversations with Waverley residents it is also apparent that there is a lack of confidence about the ability of the Clinical Commissioning Group to provide necessary rehabilitation recommended for 6 weeks by a specially trained team (due to funding or staffing).
  2. Concerns were raised about how a planned discharge from hospital to home will be funded? Where will these teams be based/managed and who will be part of these teams?
  3. What does rehabilitation specialist care involve?
  4. Which Community hospitals are in the proposed plan – eg Farnham, Milford, Cranleigh, Haslemere?   Concerns were raised on how family and friends will visit if an ASU is not located in each area.


As part of the consultation process, Cllr Jenny Else, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, asked Jeremy Hunt in his capacity as Constituency MP for South West Surrey to broker a meeting with all the key players to address these concerns on Friday 21 April 2017. 


Attendees included: Prof. Tom Rudd Head of NHS Stroke Services, Dr. James Thallon, Medical Director NHS England - South (South East), Daren Mochrie, Chief Executive Officer SECAmb, Dr. David Eyre-Brook, Guildford & Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group, Paula Head, Richard Nelson, Press & Campaigns for Jeremy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65/17



To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Executive (coloured grey), held on:


7 March 2017 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman of the Executive, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 7 March 2017 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted.



4 April 2017 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by the Chairman, and duly seconded that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 4 April 2017 be approved and adopted.


i.          Overview and Scrutiny – Changes to the Constitution


            The Leader provided reassurance to all councillors that a final proofread of the constitutional documents, as amended, would be undertaken by the Chairman of the Standards Panel, Cllr Michael Goodridge, and Chairman of the Audit Committee, Cllr John Gray, prior to the documents being finalised and produced in accordance with the Council’s brand guidelines.


            It was then moved by Cllr John Gray, and seconded by Cllr Richard Seaborne, that the following wording included within the Terms of Reference for the Co-ordinating Board as set out at Annexe 1A be amended to read as follows:-


            “The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Audit Committee may, with the agreement of the Chairman of the Board, be invited to attend meetings the Board on an ad hoc basis when the subject matter is such that their contribution would assist with the allocation or addition of items to the future work programme”.


            The amendment was CARRIED.


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Executive held on 4 April 2017 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted, as amended.






To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee (coloured lilac), held on 21 March 2017.




It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, duly seconded and


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit Committee held on 21 March 2017 be approved.