Issue - meetings

Applications for Planning Permission

Meeting: 27/04/2016 - Joint Planning Committee (Item 48)

48 Item A1 - WA/2015/1569 - Land at West Cranleigh Nurseries and North of Knowle Park between Knowle Lane and Alfold Road Cranleigh. pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Outline application with all matters reserved except access for the erection of 265 dwellings and formation of public open parkland together with associated works, following the demolition of existing buildings comprising 2 dwellings, glasshouses and associated structures; this application affects a Public Footpath 393 (includes a section of the Wey South Path) and is accompanied by an Environmental Statement (revision of WA/2014/2127).




Recommendation A


That, subject to consideration of a further response from Surrey Wildlife Trust, Environment Agency and Thames Water, completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure 40% affordable housing, infrastructure contributions towards off-site highway improvements, early years and primary education, off-site highway works, play spaces and open space and the setting up of a Management Company to manage the Country Park, POS and SuDs within 3 months of this date of resolution to grant permission and conditions, and conditions, permission be GRANTED.


Recommendation B


That, if the requirements of Recommendation A are not met permission be REFUSED.

Additional documents:


Proposed development

Outline application with all matters reserved except access for the erection of 265 dwellings and formation of public open parkland together with associated works, following the demolition of existing buildings comprising 2 dwellings, glasshouses and associated structures; this application affects a Public Footpath 393 (includes a section of the Wey South Path) and is accompanied by an Environmental Statement (revision of WA/2014/2127) at  Land at West Cranleigh Nurseries and North of Knowle Park between Knowle Lane and Alfold Road  Cranleigh (as amended by additional information received 09/02/2016, 14/12/2015, 06/11/2015 and 24/09/2015).


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


Officers drew attention to the Update Sheet and advised Members that there had been 20 further letters of objection and a further letter from Cranleigh Civic Society regarding Great Crested Newt present. The applicants ecologist responded confirming that consideration had been given to ponds in the local area and the Natural England rapid risk assessment. Surrey Wildlife Trust had also noted the contents of the letter from both parties and and the Trust advised that as none of the ponds surveyed by ARC were found to support Great Crested Newts (GCN), the likely effect of the proposed development on GCN were likely to be appropriate and should address the Society’s concerns.


The Trust further advised that as GCN had been found in the northern part of Cranleigh, that if the development proposals were to proceed, the applicant took a precautious approach to site clearance. If any were found, work should stop and appropriate ecological advice sought and Natural England consulted. Members noted that a further informative be added to the recommendation to remind the applications to take a precautious approach to site clearance.


The Committee also noted that an update had been received from the Environment Agency who recommended that the developers liaised with the sewerage undertaker to ensure there was sufficient capacity within their infrastructure (including sewage treatment works and the sewerage network) to meet future demand.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Liz Townsend - Objector

Brian Freeston – Parish Council

Paul Hughes, Richard Graham and Martin Bamford – Supporters


The Committee discussed the application which sought outline permission for the development proposal with all matters reserved except for access. Members were reminded that all other matters were to be reserved for future consideration and that this type of planning application sought a determination as to the acceptability of the principle of the proposed development.


The Committee noted that the proposal would assist in the provision of much needed housing in the local area and in the Borough in general and would also have an active  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48