Issue - meetings

Health and Wellbeing Officer Post

Meeting: 05/04/2016 - Executive (Item 157)

157 Health and Wellbeing Officer pdf icon PDF 67 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to the addition of a Health and Wellbeing Officer post to the establishment using the staff savings arising from the deletion of two vacant part-time posts.




That the Executive recommends to the Council that:


  1. a Health and Wellbeing Officer post be added to the establishment using the staff savings identified in the financial implications; and


  1. posts HB07 and ED23 be deleted from the establishment, as set out in the report.


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that:


1.            a Health and Wellbeing Officer post be added to the establishment using the staff savings identified in the financial implications; and


2.            posts HB07 and ED23 be deleted from the establishment, as set out in the report.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to seek approval for the addition of a post to the establishment]


157.1  At it’s meeting on 16 February 2016 the Council approved and adopted Waverley’s new Corporate Plan 2016 -19 which has identified Community Wellbeing as a key priority. It was agreed that wellbeing and prosperity of our varied communities is at the heart of everything we do. The priority will be delivered through various mechanisms including:


1.         providing community leadership to champion the local issues that most affect our residents;

2.         investing in the delivery of new community facilities on the Farnham Memorial Hall site including day centre services;

3.         implementing the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and action plan to deliver activities and services to improve the lives of Waverley residents; and

4.         implementing the Ageing Well Strategy which will support older people to lead healthy and independent lives.


157.2  Prior to the adoption of the Corporate Plan, the Council approved the Ageing Well Strategy; 2015 -2020 and accompanying action plan at it’s meeting on 20 October 2015; and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy; 2016 - 2021and action plan on 16 February 2016. 


157.3  These strategies set the scene for how the Council will meet the health and wellbeing needs of an ageing population, address health inequalities across the borough and how we will work with our partners to deliver services.  The Health and Wellbeing Strategy is the overarching document for the health and wellbeing agenda developed and delivered through the Council linking with other strategies such as the Leisure Development Plan, Ageing Well, new Arts and Cultural Strategy and Parks and Countryside Open Space Strategy and will support the delivery of their action plans.   


157.4  This Health and Wellbeing Officer post will be responsible for continuing and developing further the health and wellbeing agenda and opportunities that are currently being delivered through an externally-funded Post, and for delivering the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and accompanying Action Plan that have been developed via this current role. 


157.5  As part of Communities Star Chamber proposals for 2016/17, it was agreed to use savings from the Communities staffing budget to fund a Health and Wellbeing post which will continue and develop further the health and wellbeing agenda and opportunities that are currently being delivered through the current Health and Wellbeing Officer post that is funded via the Better Care Fund, previously known as the Personalisation, Prevention Partnership Fund.


157.6  As this Post was not considered a growth item (funding already identified), it was not included as part of the budget-setting process for 2016/17, hence this report is required to approve incorporating a Health and Wellbeing Officer into the establishment.  There is no additional cost to the Council for this Post as it will be funded through the staff savings identified from two part-time vacant posts HB07 and ED23.


157.7  The external funding for the current temporary post is coming to an end and the new Health and Wellbeing Officer post will continue with the same responsibilities as the current post and remain on the same pay scale.  The post will be responsible  ...  view the full minutes text for item 157