Issue - meetings

Weydon Lane Former Landfill Site - Options Review

Meeting: 01/03/2016 - Executive (Item 142)

142 Weydon Lane Former Landfill Site - Options Review pdf icon PDF 3 MB

The Council has been exploring the scope and viability of undertaking works on the former Landfill site on Weydon Lane, Farnham to enable greater public use, for example, for formal recreational use.


At its meeting on 25 November 2014, the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorsed the short term management plan for the site and recommended to the Executive that a Special Interest Group (SIG) be established to assist the Portfolio Holder in reviewing future options for the site.The Executive subsequently agreed that a SIG be formed. The SIG was chaired by the Portfolio Holder for the Environment, Cllr Simon Thornton, and comprised Cllrs Pat Frost, Michael Goodridge, Jill Hargeaves and Chris Storey.


The Terms of Reference of the SIG are attached as Annexe 1.  This report summarises the options identified for the future use of the site, appraises their viability and recommends a way forward to the Executive.




It is recommended that the Executive considers the findings of the Weydon Lane Special Interest Group and recommends to the Council that


1.         a supplementary estimate of £50,000 be approved to undertake a detailed feasibility study into relocating the Farnham Football Club on to the Weydon Lane Site and making available their current site for housing; and


2.         Ward Councillors and Farnham Town Council be consulted on this option.



Additional documents:


The Executive has considered the findings of the Weydon Lane Special Interest Group and RECOMMENDS to the COUNCIL that


1.         a supplementary estimate of £50,000 be approved to undertake a detailed feasibility study into relocating the Farnham Football Club on to the Weydon Lane Site and making available their current site for housing; and


2.         Ward Councillors and Farnham Town Council be consulted on this option.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to consider the various options for the site and agree a way forward]




[This item contains exempt information by virtue of which the public is likely to be excluded during the item to which the report relates, as specified in Paragraph 3 of the revised Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, namely:-


            Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


142.1  The Weydon Lane SIG met on 3 occasions and considered and consulted on a number of options for the future use of the former landfill site.


1.            The high level options considered were:


a.            Do nothing;

b.            The Brambleton Park proposals;

c.            Park & Ride;

d.            Housing development;

e.            New location for Farnham Football Club (subject to funding);

f.             Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANGS);


2.            Each of these options, or a combination of them, has been considered by the SIG with input from interested parties and expert witnesses where appropriate.


Option a. – Doing Nothing


142.2  This option will still incur costs for the Council despite not being developed for an alternative use.   This is because the Council has a duty of care to keep the site safe and also safe for persons who enter the site.  There is a suggested cost of £71,000 for localised temporary clay-cap augmentation just to keep the current landfill cap viable for interim protection.  


142.3  An alternative would be to reinstate the fence boundary using palisade fencing (to keep people out) along with minimal safety works, costs were estimated at £75,000.   There is also an ongoing requirement to continue monitoring of the site, which presently costs approximately £21,000 per year. In the longer term, complete re-instatement of the clay cap will be necessary at significant cost. Estimates vary considerably but the range is indicated in (Exempt) Annexe 6. 


142.4  Clearly the public have had access to the site for many years (dog walking and short cuts) despite there originally being a fence to keep people out, however the Council have not actively prevented access to site and informal access by the public has continued. So to actively prevent access now, would perhaps provoke a strong reaction from the local public


Option b. – The Brambleton Park Proposals


142.5  The Brambleton Park proposals developed by members of the local community seek to develop the site as a natural park and recreation area, possibly including sports facilities for the local community (see Annexes 2 and 3). This would involve formalising the current informal use which would need planning permission. It would be an acceptable use in planning terms but would be subject to the Council being satisfied that the development would not affect the integrity of the clay cap or impede any subsequent works to maintain and augment the clay cap and monitoring of gas emissions set out in option a above.


142.6  Whilst the proposers estimate that the creation of a natural park would cost in the region of £150,000, this would only include the temporary, localised augmentation of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 142