Issue - meetings

Disposal of Council owned assets - Shared Ownership Homes, Ockford Ridge.

Meeting: 09/04/2024 - Executive (Item 162)

162 Disposal of Council Owned Assets - Shared Ownership Homes, Ockford Ridge. pdf icon PDF 462 KB

The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 12.


Co-Portfolio Holders for Housing.

Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to approve:


       I.          The sale of two shared ownership homes at Ockford Ridge, Godalming (Site C), on the terms set out in Exempt Annexe 1 and delegate to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services authority to approve and sign/seal the final form of the agreements.

     II.          To delegate authority to the Head of Housing Services in consultation with Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery and Operations) to approve the future sale of percentage shares in the properties referred to in Exempt Annexe 1 up to and including 100% tenant ownership.



Councillor Paul Rivers, Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing expressed his pride with the progress of the Ockford Ridge development in Godalming and was pleased that two properties were now in a position to be sold as affordable shared ownership homes. The Leader praised the delivery of high quality homes in the area and conveyed thanks on behalf of the Executive to Officers for their work.

The Executive RESOLVED to approve:


       I.          The sale of two shared ownership homes at Ockford Ridge, Godalming (Site C), on the terms set out in Exempt Annexe 1 and delegate to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services authority to approve and sign/seal the final form of the agreements.

     II.          To delegate authority to the Head of Housing Services in consultation with Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery and Operations) to approve the future sale of percentage shares in the properties referred to in Exempt Annexe 1 up to and including 100% tenant ownership.


Reasons: As set out in the Report.