Issue - meetings

Members' Allowances Scheme

Meeting: 07/07/2015 - Executive (Item 32)

Members' Allowances Scheme

As part of a recent audit into members expenses, it was agreed that the next revision of the Members’ Allowances Scheme should be considered in conjunction with the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, as there was an area identified that should be included in the WBC scheme, namely Section 8(2) relating to when a member could be suspended.


The scheme is only usually updated annually to increase the level of allowances in line with any pay award made to staff and the next full review of the Scheme by the Independent Remuneration Panel is not due until 2017.  However, as the amendment to the scheme is for administrative purposes and to be consistent with the regulations, the Executive is asked to agree the following additional wording to be added to the scheme, as a new paragraph 8 (7):-


            “Where a councillor is suspended or partially suspended from their responsibilities or duties as a member of the authority, any travelling and subsistence allowance payable to the councillor in respect of the responsibilities or duties from which they are suspended or partially suspended may be withheld by the authority”.




It is recommended to the Council that the new paragraph 8 (7), detailed above, be added to the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2015/16.


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the new paragraph 8 (7) below, be added to the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2015/16:-


“Where a councillor is suspended or partially suspended from their responsibilities or duties as a member of the authority, any travelling and subsistence allowance payable to the councillor in respect of the responsibilities or duties from which they are suspended or partially suspended may be withheld by the authority”.


[This item is recommended to the Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to revise the Members’ Allowances Scheme to ensure it is in line with the regulations].



32.1    As part of a recent audit into members’ expenses, it was agreed that the next revision of the Members’ Allowances Scheme should be considered in conjunction with the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, as there was an area identified that should be included in the WBC scheme, namely Section 8(2) relating to when a member could be suspended.


32.2    The scheme is only usually updated annually to increase the level of allowances in line with any pay award made to staff and the next full review of the Scheme by the Independent Remuneration Panel is not due until 2017. However, as the amendment to the scheme is for administrative purposes and to be consistent with the regulations, the Executive




19.       the following additional wording be added to the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2015/16, as a new paragraph 8 (7):-


                        “Where a councillor is suspended or partially suspended from their responsibilities or duties as a member of the authority, any travelling and subsistence allowance payable to the councillor in respect of the responsibilities or duties from which they are suspended or partially suspended may be withheld by the authority”.


[Reason: to revise the Members’ Allowances Scheme to ensure it is in line with the regulations].