Issue - meetings

Museum of Farnham MEND programme: Report to tender main contractor

Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Executive (Item 149)

149 Museum of Farnham MEND programme: Report to Tender Main Contractor pdf icon PDF 633 KB

The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 9.


Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI together with Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets.



The Executive RESOLVED to:


                 I.          Go to tender for the main contractor for the repair contract through a competitive tender process with the brickwork conservator, Simpson Brickwork Conservation Limited being a named sub-contractor.

               II.          Issue the invitation to tender prior to obtaining listed building consent.

             III.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Community Wellbeing in consultation with the Joint Head of Legal and Democratic Services to award the contract to the successful bidder. This will be dependent upon listed building consent being granted prior to entering a contract with the recommended contractor.



Cllr Mirylees, Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI, introduced the report and summarised:


·       The Arts Council had awarded the Council £735,000 to deliver a programme of essential conservation repairs to the grade one facade of Wilmer House, the home of the Museum of Farnham

·       An invitation to Tender for the main contractor was required prior to obtaining listed building consent due to the timescale relating to the conservation works and Arts Council funding rules.

Executive members’ statements in support of the proposal included:


·       Expressing enthusiasm that a beautiful building would be restored by local craftspeople and brought back into use

·       That Farnham Councillors should be commended for their persistence and determination that the project should succeed.

There being no further discussion, the Executive RESOLVED to:


                 I.          Go to tender for the main contractor for the repair contract through a competitive tender process with the brickwork conservator, Simpson Brickwork Conservation Limited being a named sub-contractor.

               II.          Issue the invitation to tender prior to obtaining listed building consent.

             III.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Community Wellbeing in consultation with the Joint Head of Legal and Democratic Services to award the contract to the successful bidder. This will be dependent upon listed building consent being granted prior to entering a contract with the recommended contractor.




As set out in the Report.