Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Services (Item 38)

38 Questions from members of the public pdf icon PDF 281 KB

The Chairman to respond to any questions submitted by members of the public in accordance with Procedure Rule 10.


The deadline for submission of written questions for this meeting is 5pm on Tuesday 16 January 2024.



38.1     Two questions from members of the public were submitted to this meeting and published as supplements to the agenda.


38.2 The following response from the Monitoring Officer was given to the question asked by Mr Tim House:


        All officers below Chief Executive are responsible to the Head of Paid Service rather than to Councillors;

        The Head of Paid Service has not raised any concerns with the Chair of the O&S Committee about lack of political impartiality of any senior officers;

        As part of the scrutiny function, the Council’s constitution allows for the Chair of the O&S Committee to call any senior officer to the committee to explain their performance in respect of any matter within their remit. The Chair of O&S has not felt the need to do so.

        Should anyone have any concerns about the conduct or performance of any senior officer within the Council they should address their concerns to the Head of Paid Service through the usual complaint procedure via the website.


38.3     Questions from South Farnham Residents Association and Badshot Lea Community Association have been answered by the Executive Head of Planning Development. This written response be sent to the questioner by the Scrutiny Officer.