Issue - meetings

Weydown Road Development Project

Meeting: 09/04/2024 - Executive (Item 161)

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The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 11.


Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Property together with Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration and Economic Development

Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to approve:


       I.          A Supplementary Budget of £223,298 for the purposes of progressing Weydown Road Community Hub Option B to submission of planning application (RIBA stage 3) and associated site surveys.

     II.          Progression of the Weydown Road Community Hub project to submission of a Planning Application.

   III.          Delegated authority to the Strategic Director - Place to submit the required planning applications for this project on behalf of the Council.

  IV.          Delegated authority to the Strategic Director - Place in consultation with the Strategic Director, Legal & Democratic Services to implement the procurement strategy, and award the consultancy services contracts.

    V.          Delegated authority to the Strategic Director - Place in consultation with Strategic Director, Legal & Democratic Servicesand Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets to approve and implement a procurement strategy for the construction contracts associated with this project.



Having previously advised that items 10 and 11 were linked projects, the Leader moved the revised recommendations en bloc.


The Executive RESOLVED to approve:


       I.          A Supplementary Budget of £223,298 for the purposes of progressing Weydown Road Community Hub Option B to submission of planning application (RIBA stage 3) and associated site surveys.

     II.          Progression of the Weydown Road Community Hub project to submission of a Planning Application.

   III.          Delegated authority to the Strategic Director - Place to submit the required planning applications for this project on behalf of the Council.

  IV.          Delegated authority to the Strategic Director - Place in consultation with the Strategic Director, Legal & Democratic Services to implement the procurement strategy, and award the consultancy services contracts.

    V.          Delegated authority to the Strategic Director - Place in consultation with Strategic Director, Legal & Democratic Servicesand Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets to approve and implement a procurement strategy for the construction contracts associated with this project.


Reason: To progress the project to relocate the Haslemere Youth Hub from the Fairground site.

Meeting: 19/03/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Resources (Item 86)

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The Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Resources is asked to consider the report and make any recommendations they deem appropriate to the Executive.


The recommendations to Executive and Council set out in Section 2 of the report.

Additional documents:


86.1     The Strategic Assets Manager confirmed that the present Community Hub is an end-of-life asset, and that no alternative solution has yet been proposed.


86.2     The Committee agreed that they all wanted to see the opening of a new Community Hub on the Weydown Road Car Park.


The Committee then voted to move into exempt session.