Issue - meetings

Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023-28

Meeting: 12/12/2023 - Council (Item 66)

66 Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023-28 pdf icon PDF 602 KB

The Council is recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 11. 



Additional documents:


66.1        The Leader introduced and moved the recommendation from the Executive. Councillor Palmer seconded and presented detailed proposals. Councillor Palmer commended the council for effectively managing homelessness. He highlighted an anticipated reduction in government grants by £176,000 (44%) after March 2025. Councillor Palmer emphasised the need for the council to be prepared to cover future costs from the General Fund until a potential change in government priorities.


66.2        The Mayor invited the Leader to respond. The Leader noted that the council had initiated measures to safeguard additional resources. He concurred with the portfolio holder's speculation, acknowledging a potential grace period of 1-2 years from the government, but highlighting the uncertainty of guaranteed funding assumptions. Councillor Palmer responded to Councillor Martin, stressing the importance of addressing the issue early. Councillor Palmer emphasiesd the council's obligation to accommodate residents from other boroughs, prioritising Waverley residents, and highlighted the team's success in doing so.


The Mayor moved to a vote and it was RESOLVED:


To approve the adoption of the Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023-28.


Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Executive (Item 116)

116 Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023-28 pdf icon PDF 601 KB

The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 13.


Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery)



Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council the adoption and publication of the Strategy.



Introducing the report, Councillor Palmer highlighted that the Council with its Housing Association partners had delivered 933 new homes in the last five years. A further 72 homes for social and housing rent would become available in 2023/24. Councillor Palmer cautioned however that the Homelessness Prevention Grant was expected to halve from the current year, and in order to continue to deliver the same level of service, growth in the MTFP of approximately £300,000 was anticipated. Given the current forecast gap in the MTFP over the next 4 years, a full review would be required to ensure costs would be kept down where possible to minimise the impact on the General Fund.


Executive Members’ statements in support of the recommendations included:


·         That the Government was not tackling the causes of homelessness

·         The language used by the Government when discussing homelessness was disappointing

·         That thanks be conveyed to Officers for their work.


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council the adoption and publication of the Strategy.




     I.        To comply with legislation.

    II.        To mitigate the challenges outlined in the report and as far as possible, to build on the Council’s success in preventing and relieving homelessness.