Issue - meetings

Growth Bid - Operational Safeguarding

Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Executive (Item 115)

115 Growth Bid - Operational Safeguarding pdf icon PDF 488 KB

The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 12.

Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI

Additional documents:


      I.        The establishment a dedicated safeguarding coordinator to act as a safeguarding operational lead to support all officers in the management of safeguarding referrals, be approved.

    II.        Approve the supplementary budget for 2023/24 to recruit to the role in this financial year.

   III.        Approve the addition of the post to the establishment budget from 2024/25 onwards.

  IV.        That Officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder write to Surrey County Council to request appropriate financial support for the role.


Councillor Mirylees introduced the report and contextualised that there had been a significant increase in community safeguarding concerns due to factors which included the aftermath of the Covid pandemic and the cost of living crisis.  The increased pressure on statutory partners, particularly Surrey County Council, meant that safeguarding risks had to be absorbed by the Borough Council without additional funding, despite a request being made.  A Safeguarding Co-ordinator role was requested to ensure clear reporting lines, good governance, and the mitigation of risk to individuals and to the Council.


The Leader proposed an additional recommendation to write to Surrey County Council to request appropriate financial support for the role, seconded by Councillor Townsend.  


The Executive RESOLVED unanimously to:


     I.        Establish a dedicated Safeguarding Coordinator to act as a safeguarding operational lead to support all officers in the management of safeguarding referrals, be approved

    II.        Approve the supplementary budget for 2023/24 to recruit to the role in this financial year

  III.        Approve the addition of the post to the establishment budget from 2024/25 onwards; and

  IV.        That Officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder write to Surrey County Council to request appropriate financial support for the role.




  1. Due to the increase in safeguarding concerns for our most vulnerable residents and the and the increased thresholds of need to evoke statutory partner involvement, there is a need for a dedicated resource to help the council manage the associated risk.
  2. The role will support officers in coordinating safeguarding concerns and enquiries to ensure that there is a clear audit trail of key decisions and actions that demonstrates sound management at local level and referral of cases with increasing complexity for multi-agency intervention.
  3. The role will help reinforce and embed our safeguarding culture to be at the heart of all that we do when working with our communities.