Issue - meetings

New Build Housing Delivery - Witley

Meeting: 12/12/2023 - Council (Item 69)

69 New Build Housing Delivery - Witley pdf icon PDF 462 KB

The Council is recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 14. 


Additional documents:


69.1        The Mayor invited the Leader to introduce and move the recommendations. The Leader introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Executive. Councillor Palmer seconded and presented the details of the presentation.


69.2        Councillor Palmer stated that this followed a similar council strategy of prioritising affordable housing. He mentioned a slight difference as there were already three council properties next to the three being considered, potentially leading to economies of administration. Councillor Palmer expressed hope for the council's agreement with the proposal, continuing the overall prioritisation.


69.3        The Mayor invited speakers. There were no speakers. The Mayor invited the Leader to sum up. The Leader advised that he was ready to move to the recommendation.


The Mayor moved to a vote and it was RESOLVED:


To approval of the allocation of a project budget of £818,253 to be met through a combination of capital receipts and borrowing.


Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Executive (Item 119)

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The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 16.


Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery)


Additional documents:


     I.        Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve the final form of any legal agreements and to Strategic Director (Place) to enter the land and build agreements with the developer.

    II.        Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties or other agreements) relating to the project.

  III.        Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any ancillary agreements related to the project provided that these are within the project budget.


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council


1.    the approval of the allocation of a project budget of £818,253 to be met through a combination of capital receipts and borrowing.



Councillor Palmer introduced the report which sought approval for the acquisition of three new homes through S106 agreements on a site at Wheeler Street. Councillor Palmer was pleased that affordable housing would be provided in a village location.


There being no further discussion, the Executive RESOLVED unanimously to:


     I.        Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve the final form of any legal agreements and to Strategic Director (Place) to enter the land and build agreements with the developer.

    II.        Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties or other agreements) relating to the project.

  III.        Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any ancillary agreements related to the project provided that these are within the project budget.


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council


1.    the approval of the allocation of a project budget of £818,253 to be met through a combination of capital receipts and borrowing.




     I.        The Waverley Corporate Strategy 2020-2025 sets out the Vision and Strategic Priorities for the Council. One of the strategic priorities is to ‘provide good quality housing for all income levels.’

    II.        Build More, Build Better, Build for Life Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022 – 2025 sets out the Council’s commitment to build homes to buy or rent for households from all income levels. The strategy has been supported by evidence studies including the Waverley Housing Affordability Study 2021.

  III.        Delivery of 3 homes on the developer site at Wheeler Street, Witley will help meet local housing need and allocation of a budget by Full Council is required to achieve this.