Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account - New Build Housing Delivery

Meeting: 12/12/2023 - Council (Item 68)

68 Housing Revenue Account - New Build Housing Delivery pdf icon PDF 556 KB

The Council is recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 13. 


Additional documents:


68.1        The Leader introduced the recommendation, Councillor Palmer seconded and presented detailed proposals. Councillor Palmer highlighted item 13, addressing Elstead and Ockford Ridge additions, resulting in a net gain of 24 homes. The designs prioritise genuinely affordable housing, aligning with previous council-approved proposals. Councillor Palmer expressed hope for broad council support in addressing challenges related to providing affordable housing.


68.2        Councillor Kiehl expressed enthusiasm for the commitment to genuinely affordable homes and social housing. She appreciated the outlined climate change and sustainability measures on page 281, aligning with the target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030.


68.3        Councillor Atkins raised significant concerns about the methods used by Waverley's housing department for capital approval. She highlighted issues with the methodology for evaluating the valuation of housing property, specifically those to be let or sold as shared ownership property at a discount. Councillor Atkins emphasised that this methodology is not in line with recommendations from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. She also expressed concerns about the existing value of sites to be demolished not being considered in Waverley housing assessments.


68.4        Councillor Atkins mentioned ongoing meetings with officers to substantiate her claims and confirmed that the findings would be presented to the ONS committee in the future. She disclosed her professional background as the managing director of a property company involved in homes on the open market and a managing director of a for-profit registered provider delivering affordable housing. Councillor Atkins noted that Councillor Austin, who also supports her viewpoint, has direct professional knowledge as a lapsed member of the RCS. Councillor Atkins abstained from all recommendations on Capital for housing, emphasising her cross-political motivation to achieve the best value for residents.


68.5        Councillor Merryweather emphasised that the council operates within a different framework compared to private sector companies. He noted the obligation to adhere to a regulatory framework that considers social value, corporate priorities, and non-monetary measures. Councillor Merryweather explained that the council's role is to deliver social value for residents, and the evaluation criteria might differ from the private sector.


68.6        Councillor Hyman agreed that there was a failure to evaluate the current value of land and surrounding buildings, emphasising the significant value involved, amounting to millions of pounds. He raised concerns about flooding in Springfield and stressed the importance of evaluating finances and consulting residents before proceeding. Councillor Hyman referred to page 292, pointing out that no value was given for the properties as they are. He also mentioned the gross development value being based on open market valuations, suggesting the council should cover various aspects.


68.7        Susan Sale, through The Mayor, clarified the status of page 292, mentioning it was on pink paper and suggested that if councillors wanted to discuss it, a motion would be required to go into an exempt session. Councillor Hyman clarified that he was not going into that point, and he continued to highlight issues of winter flooding, indicating that the council would undergo public consultation.


68.8        The Mayor alerted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68

Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Executive (Item 117)

117 Housing Revenue Account - New Build Housing Delivery pdf icon PDF 553 KB

The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 14.


Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery)



Additional documents:


Springfield, Elstead


1.    Progress with Option 4 to demolish the existing accommodation and re-develop a scheme that incorporates a variety of homes of varying sizes and tenures that can accommodate different individual and local housing need.

2.    Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery), to submit a planning application, including demolition to facilitate delivery of 26 new affordable homes.

3.    Approve the sale of shared ownership homes to be delivered on the site at Springfield with the Executive Head of Housing Services in consultation with Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery and Operations) to approve the final terms of such sales having regard to market value and giving the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services authority to approve the final form of the sale agreements and any ancillary related legal agreement.

4.    Delegate authority for Executive Head of Housing Services in consultation with Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery and Operations) to approve the future sale of percentage shares of shared ownership homes.

5.    Delegate authority for the Executive Head of Housing Services in consultation with the Executive Head of Finance to review and change the tenure of an affordable shared ownership home to affordable rented should the housing market negatively impact the sale of these homes (subject to provision of full financial information and appraisal and that there is not a negative net revenue impact to the business plan for the scheme)

6.    Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place to:

                      i.        Approve the commencement of the tender process for the demolition and construction contracts

                    ii.        Approve the appointment of contractors following the appropriate procurement subject to the appointment being within the identified budget

                   iii.        Approve the use of pre contract agreements with the preferred contractor to enable the development of the project and authorise spend in accordance with the budget.

                   iv.        Approve enter into the JCT Contracts (Works/Design and Build) for both demolition and delivery of new homes.

                    v.        Approve the entering into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties, novation agreements, easements other ancillary agreements) relating to the delivery of the project

                   vi.        Approve the entering into any agreement (including paying any necessary sums provided they are within the project budget) with any utility or related provider to ensure the connection, moving, management of any services to facilitate or deliver the project.

                  vii.        Approve entering into an agreement with Homes England should grant funding be secured from the Affordable Homes Delivery Programme (provided there is not a negative net revenue impact to the business plan for the scheme.)

7.    Delegate authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve the final form of any legal agreements including those with utility companies and other statutory authorities.


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council


1.    The approval of a project budget allocation of £10,074,928m, with the delegation to Executive to approve the final budget once tender returns for the construction contract have been received.


Ockford Ridge  ...  view the full decision text for item 117


Councillor Palmer was pleased to bring forward the report to facilitate the delivery of 46 new homes. The report demonstrated the momentum of the Council to achieve the strategic priorities of its Corporate Strategy 2020-2025 and its commitments within the Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022 -2025. 


There being no further discussion, the Executive RESOLVED unanimously to:


Springfield, Elstead


1.    Progress with Option 4 to demolish the existing accommodation and re-develop a scheme that incorporates a variety of homes of varying sizes and tenures that can accommodate different individual and local housing need.

2.    Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery), to submit a planning application, including demolition to facilitate delivery of 26 new affordable homes.

3.    Approve the sale of shared ownership homes to be delivered on the site at Springfield with the Executive Head of Housing Services in consultation with Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery and Operations) to approve the final terms of such sales having regard to market value and giving the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services authority to approve the final form of the sale agreements and any ancillary related legal agreement.

4.    Delegate authority for Executive Head of Housing Services in consultation with Portfolio Holders for Housing (Delivery and Operations) to approve the future sale of percentage shares of shared ownership homes.

5.    Delegate authority for the Executive Head of Housing Services in consultation with the Executive Head of Finance to review and change the tenure of an affordable shared ownership home to affordable rented should the housing market negatively impact the sale of these homes (subject to provision of full financial information and appraisal and that there is not a negative net revenue impact to the business plan for the scheme)

6.    Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place to:

                     i.        Approve the commencement of the tender process for the demolition and construction contracts

                    ii.        Approve the appointment of contractors following the appropriate procurement subject to the appointment being within the identified budget

                  iii.        Approve the use of pre contract agreements with the preferred contractor to enable the development of the project and authorise spend in accordance with the budget.

                  iv.        Approve enter into the JCT Contracts (Works/Design and Build) for both demolition and delivery of new homes.

                    v.        Approve the entering into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties, novation agreements, easements other ancillary agreements) relating to the delivery of the project

                  vi.        Approve the entering into any agreement (including paying any necessary sums provided they are within the project budget) with any utility or related provider to ensure the connection, moving, management of any services to facilitate or deliver the project.

                 vii.        Approve entering into an agreement with Homes England should grant funding be secured from the Affordable Homes Delivery Programme (provided there is not a negative net revenue impact to the business plan for the scheme.)

7.    Delegate authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117