Issue - meetings

Quarterly reports on Urgent decisions

Meeting: 23/04/2024 - Council (Item 116)

Quarterly report on Urgent decisions

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15.3, the Leader of the Council shall report that oneSpecial Urgency decision was made pursuant to Article 14.2 in the preceding three month period.


15 February 2024 – Decision of the Leader of the Council to: Purchase a Residential Property in Farnham


Decision - Special Urgency Decision - Purchase of a Residential Property in Farnham - Waverley Borough Council


116.1   The Leader advised, that as part of his constitutional obligation, he would report to Council to note that on the 15th of February 2024 he made a special urgency decision pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 142 to purchase a residential property in Farnham. Cllr Martin, as Chair of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, was duly consulted and agreed as the decision was urgent because further delay may have caused the vendor to withdraw.

Meeting: 17/10/2023 - Council (Item 53)

Quarterly report on Urgent decisions

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15.3, the Leader of the Council shall report that oneSpecial Urgency decision was made pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 14.2 in the preceding three month period.


21 September 2023 – Decision of the Leader of the Council to: Award a Software Contract for Payroll and HR Administration.


Leader's decision on Thursday, 21st September, 2023


53.1    The Leader reported in accordance with Council procedure rule 15.3 that one special urgency decision had been made on 21 September 2023, to award a software contract for payroll and HR Administration. Councillor Martin had duly agreed in his role as Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Resources that the decision was urgent for the following summary reasons:


1)    the existing software contract for payroll and HR Administration expired on the 30th of September 2023

2)    the unanticipated expiry of the preferred procurement framework agreement

3)    delays in the provision of information from the contractor; and

4)    approval was required before the expiration of the contract and could not be reasonably deferred.