Issue - meetings

Scope and timetable for the new Local Plan

Meeting: 03/10/2023 - Executive (Item 68)

68 Scope and timetable for the new Local Plan pdf icon PDF 871 KB




That the Executive notes:


             I.        the approach to, scope and timetable for preparing a new Local Plan; and

            II.        the basis upon which there will be initial engagement with stakeholders.







                     I.        Note the approach to, scope and timetable for preparing a new Local Plan; and


                    II.        Note the basis upon which there will be initial engagement with stakeholders.



57.1    Councillor Townsend introduced the report and explained that it was clear that an updated Local Plan was required in order to meet the government's housing targets and to mitigate the potential of speculative development. The report provided more detail about the scope and set out an ambitious timeline for the new plan for submission in autumn 2026 and adoption towards the end of 2027. The planning policy team would also be working separately on design codes for the borough in tandem with the development plan process but not as part of it.


57.2    Councillor Townsend cautioned that there was considerable uncertainty with regard to the government's planning reforms which were due to come into force in November 2024 but there was mitigation within the project plan to take account of any transitional arrangements. An Executive Working Group had been established to advise on and monitor progress, the Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee would continue to be engaged and Member briefings would be provided at key milestones. A briefing had also been arranged for Town and Parish Councils in November.


57.3    Having registered to speak, non-voting visiting Member Councillor Hyman spoke against the recommendations and expressed his disappointment that the original intention of Council to simply update the Local Plan had been superseded by a full review, which would instead take many years to come into effect, leaving the Council vulnerable. There was a risk that habitats constraints would again not be fully assessed, and questioned whether the assessment for Farnham Park SANG was available.


57.4    The Leader countered that Councillor Hyman had received responses to his query several times previously, along with Counsel opinion. The Leader continued by cautioning that a Local Plan review should not be light touch, but should be comprehensive in order to be assessed as sound by the Planning Inspectorate at examination.


57.5    Executive Members’ statements in support of the recommendations included:


·         The approach to consultation and engagement as set out was thorough and accessible

·         Individual Members could approach the Portfolio Holder directly with any concerns they may have; and

·         There was uncertainty as to the timing of a possible general election during 2024, and that the Council was right in its approach to make progress in the light of uncertainty


The Executive RESOLVED unanimously to:



1.    Note the approach to, scope and timetable for preparing a new Local Plan; and


2.    Note the basis upon which there will be initial engagement with stakeholders.




1.    To assist in progressing work on the new Waverley Borough Local Plan.