Issue - meetings

Annual review of the Inter Authority Agreement (IAA)

Meeting: 01/11/2023 - Guildford & Waverley Joint Governance Committee (Item 25)

25 Update: On the Inter Authority Agreements (IAA's) pdf icon PDF 452 KB

The Joint Governance Committee’s terms of reference includes a requirement to undertake periodically a formal review (at least once every 12 months) of the inter-authority agreement (IAA) in respect of the Joint Management Team (JMT), ensuring it continues to be fit for purpose and recommending to both Full Councils any changes required.


This report provides the Committee with an update on the IAA and relating matters since its last meeting on the 17 March 2023.


Recommendations to Committee


That the Committee notes the report and the updates on both IAA’s between Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council.



Susan Sale, Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services introduced the item, she informed the Committee Members that the Inter Authority Agreement (IAA) had been extended to now include arrangements for temporary sharing of staff.  She advised that the two documents, in respect of the JMT and the Temporary Shared Staffing, would be amalgamated and the Terms of Reference for the Committee are being amended to reflect its expanded remit and responsibilities.


Councillor Peter Martin addressed the Committee and he noted that he had not had sight of the full IAA and that he had searched the Council website and had not been able to locate a copy.


Susan Sale explained that the IAA was drafted before she started at the Council and once amended would ensure that members had access. She noted that the IAA is the legal document that sets out the parameters for the JMT, it was not currently a part of the constitution of either council.


The Committee resolved to the following:


1.         To note the report and the update on both the IAA agreements with Guildford Borough Council.

Meeting: 09/10/2023 - Guildford & Waverley Joint Governance Committee (Item 17)

17 Update: On the Inter Authority Agreements (IAA's) pdf icon PDF 452 KB

The Joint Governance Committee’s terms of reference includes a requirement to undertake periodically a formal review (at least once every 12 months) of the inter-authority agreement (IAA) in respect of the Joint Management Team (JMT), ensuring it continues to be fit for purpose and recommending to both Full Councils any changes required.


This report provides the Committee with an update on the IAA and relating matters since its last meeting on the 17 March 2023.


Recommendations to Committee


That the Committee notes the report and the updates on both IAA’s between Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council.