Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Meeting: 28/11/2023 - Executive (Item 110)

110 Recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 243 KB

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Regarding the recommendation from Overview and Scrutiny Resources Committee on the Housing Revenue Account – New Build Housing, the Leader stated that no evidence had been provided to support the assertion that the method of market valuation was incorrect. The reasoning for the market valuation method had been clearly explained by expert Officers at the meeting. The Leader urged that recommendations should be made with more substance in the future, and cautioned that Members should request more information from Officers if necessary in advance of a meeting, rather than make unfounded assertions during meetings.


Regarding the recommendation from Overview and Scrutiny Resources Committee on the exempt matter of the Resourcing of the In House Legal Services Function, the Leader stated that he agreed with the sentiment of the recommendation, which would be addressed in the form of an amendment when the report was considered at agenda item 18.


Meeting: 03/10/2023 - Executive (Item 65)

65 Recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees pdf icon PDF 210 KB


54.1    The Leader noted the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources that took place on 19 September 2023 relating to 69 High Street, and assured all Members that the Council had professional staff, who were experienced and able to deliver the project, drawing on external advice when needed.


54.2    Cllr Merryweather clarified that the Assets Investment Executive Working Group had begun the Lessons Learned analysis before the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and emphasised that any lessons would be evidence-based. Cllr Merryweather queried the accuracy of the wording of the recommendation particularly the use of the word ‘evidence’.


54.3    The Leader sought clarification through the Scrutiny Officer whether the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources would like the review of the 69 High Street project to be undertaken by the Executive or an Overview and Scrutiny Sub-committee, as good governance practice would indicate that the review not be undertaken by the body that was delivering the project.