Issue - meetings

Community Asset Transfer Policy

Meeting: 18/06/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Resources (Item 7.)

7. Community Asset Transfer Policy pdf icon PDF 491 KB

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Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Community Asset Transfer Policy pdf icon PDF 491 KB

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The Executive RESOLVED to approve the Community Asset Transfer Policy (Appendix 1) and to note the Equality Impact Assessment (Appendix 2).



Councillor Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Assets introduced the report which sought approval of a new policy to guide and ensure a transparent and consistent approach by the Council when considering expressions of interest for a Community Asset Transfer to a Voluntary or Community Organisation.  Officers were thanked for their work in developing the Policy and emphasis was placed on the clear process set out on page 9.


Executive Members’ statements in support of the recommendations included:


·         That the policy, which applied to community interest companies, charities and other community bodies, as well as Town and Parish Councils, was clear that assets would remain in community use

·         Communities would be empowered to protect assets that were important to them; and

·         The process was designed to be thorough and ensure that applications were supported by a Business Case.


The Executive RESOLVED to approve the Community Asset Transfer Policy (Appendix 1) and to note the Equality Impact Assessment (Appendix 2).




  1. To set out a robust policy that provides a transparent and consistent framework governing an expression of interest for the transfer of assets owned by or under the stewardship of the Council, to VCOs in the best interest of the Council and the community.
  2. To deliver community objectives by considering options for   transfer of assets; to community led groups where appropriate to improve the health and wellbeing of residents.
  3. The Council is the custodian for its assets and has a duty of stewardship over their management.  It is appropriate that robust governance is in place to safeguard their ownership and use.