Issue - meetings

Amendment to Milford Conservation Area Boundary

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Amendment to Milford Conservation Area Boundary pdf icon PDF 27 KB

The purpose of the report is to recommend that a small amendment to the boundary of the Milford Conservation Area be adopted.




It is recommended to the Council that the amendment to the Milford Conservation Area boundary is adopted.


Additional documents:


The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the amendment to the Milford Conservation Area boundary be adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to agree a small amendment to the boundary of the Milford Conservation Area].


7.1       Milford is one of 43 Conservation Areas (CA) in Waverley. It is one of the nine CAs where Conservation Area Appraisals (CAAs) have been adopted (Wrecclesham, Bramley, Farnham Town Centre, Wheelerstreet, Godalming Town Centre, Milford, Chiddingfold, Haslemere and Godalming Crownpits). 


7.2       In 2011 Executive agreed a programme for the commencement of CAAs which has now been extended to 2020.


7.3      Following a review of all the CA boundaries on Waverley’s mapping system an anomaly was identified within Milford CA.  Normally it is expected that a CA boundary would follow a physical feature such as a road or a garden boundary, but in the case of Milford the boundary dissects the rear gardens of 1-15 Ockfields and the Surgery on Church Road (built post-CA designation). As a result the affected properties and most of their curtilages are outside the CA, but a small part of each curtilage is currently shown as being within the CA.  In order to rectify this, it is proposed that the boundary of the CA should be amended slightly to follow the rear boundary of the above properties and to remove the affected properties from the CA entirely.


7.4      A plan of the amendment to Milford Conservation Area boundary is attached at Annexe 3.  A focused consultation on this amendment took place between 13 March and 24 April 2015, including those affected by the change and key stakeholders such as the Parish Council and Historic England.


7.5       The only comment received was from Historic England, which supports the change to the CA boundary. This minor amendment to the Milford CA boundary resolves an existing anomaly and will not have any detrimental impact on the wider CA or its purpose.


7.6       The Executive




2.         the amendment to the Milford Conservation Area boundary be adopted.


[Reason: to agree a small amendment to the boundary of the Milford Conservation Area].