Issue - meetings

Broadwater Park Pavilion changing rooms refurbishment

Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Executive (Item 26)

26 Broadwater Park Changing Rooms Refurbishment Works pdf icon PDF 459 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval to enter into a contract for works to refurbish and reconfigure the changing rooms at Broadwater Park, Godalming. The facilities are used throughout the year by local community football and cricket teams. The facility is in a poor condition, no longer fit for purpose and has been closed to all users since the winter following the collapse of the ceilings due to a water leak.



That the Executive approves the authority to enter into a contract with Abacus Property Solutions for the changing rooms refurbishment works in line with the capital budget programme.


Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED that a contract be entered into with Abacus Property Solutions for the changing rooms refurbishment works in line with the capital budget programme.

[Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Services]



26.1   Cllr Steve Williams introduced the report and moved the recommendations to approve entering into a contract for works to refurbish and reconfigure the changing rooms at Broadwater Park, Godalming. The facilities were in a poor condition and had been closed to all users since the winter following the collapse of the ceilings due to a water leak. Previously the changing rooms had been in continual use by local community football and cricket teams.

26.2   The Executive RESOLVED that a contract be entered into with Abacus Property Solutions for the changing rooms refurbishment works in line with the capital budget programme.