Issue - meetings

Woolmer Hill Recreation Ground 3G playing pitch

Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Executive (Item 24)

24 Woolmer Hill Playing Pitch pdf icon PDF 456 KB

The need for a Third Generation Artificial Playing Pitch (3G pitch) in Haslemere has been documented in the Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy. The Football Foundation have worked with the Council to fund the project to deliver a 3G pitch at the Woolmer Hill Recreation Ground in Haslemere.

This paper updates the Executive regarding the funding of the project and seeks to ensure the correct authorities are in place to enter into the construction agreement, as stipulated by the Football Foundation, to build the pitch and offer the requisite warranties.



That the Executive approves:

1.         Following the recommendation of MGAC, the Employer’s Agent appointed by the Football Foundation in this project, delegation of authority to the Waverley BC Executive Head of Commercial Services to enter into a JCT Design and Build Contract (prepared by the Football Foundation) with Field Turf Tarkett SAS (a contractor appointed by the Football Foundation) to build the Woolmer Hill 3rd Generation Artificial Turf Pitch. 

2.         The total estimated value of the contract is £937,308 which is to be funded from various sources as set in the Financial Implications section of this Report.


The Executive RESOLVED that


1.         Following the recommendation of MGAC, the Employer’s Agent appointed by the Football Foundation in this project, delegation of authority to the Waverley BC Executive Head of Commercial Services to enter into a JCT Design and Build Contract (prepared by the Football Foundation) with Field Turf Tarkett SAS (a contractor appointed by the Football Foundation) to build the Woolmer Hill 3rd Generation Artificial Turf Pitch be approved.

2.         The total estimated value of the contract is £937,308 which is to be funded from various sources as set in the Financial Implications section of this Report be approved.


[Overview & Scrutiny – Services Committee]


24.1   Cllr Steve Williams introduced the report which sought approval to enter into a contract for the creation of a 3G playing pitch at Woolmer Hill School. The need for a 3G playing pitch in Haslemere had been identified in the council’s playing pitch strategy, and the pitch at Woolmer had been delivered to time and according to specifications. Funding for the pitch included Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding from Waverley and East Hants District Council, contributions from the football clubs using the pitch, and the Football Foundation. Cllr Williams moved the recommendation, to approve the funding package and delegate authority to the Executive Head of Commercial Services to enter into a contract to build the Woolmer Hill 3G artificial playing pitch.


24.2   Cllr Hyman had registered to speak and raised some concern regarding the retrospective approval to enter into the contract, and also asked whether the Council had received the monies expected from third parties, or would be at risk whilst claiming the funds having already paid the contractor.


24.3   The Leader advised that the approval now sought to enter into the contract was to regularise the arrangements and addressed a need highlighted by the previous Monitoring Officer. This had affected a number of contracts and these were being dealt with.


24.4   Cllr Merryweather agreed with Cllr Williams that this was a wonderful facility, and it had been funded with a large contribution from planning development via CIL contributions. The CIL Advisory Board did expect substantial third party contributions when assessing applications for Waverley CIL funding.


24.5   The Executive RESOLVED that


1.       Following the recommendation of MGAC, the Employer’s Agent appointed by the Football Foundation in this project, delegation of authority to the Waverley BC Executive Head of Commercial Services to enter into a JCT Design and Build Contract (prepared by the Football Foundation) with Field Turf Tarkett SAS (a contractor appointed by the Football Foundation) to build the Woolmer Hill 3rd Generation Artificial Turf Pitch be approved.

2.       The total estimated value of the contract is £937,308 which is to be funded from various sources as set in the Financial Implications section of this Report be approved.


(During the discussion on the Broadwater Park Changing Rooms, the Leader that he had received a message from officers watching the meeting to confirm that the funding from the football clubs had been received; the Football Foundation funds would be claimed against receipts for monies disbursed by the council.)