Issue - meetings

Housing Delivery - Riverside Court, Farnham

Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Executive (Item 25)

25 Housing Delivery - Building Contract for Riverside Court pdf icon PDF 470 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek formal approval to enter into a contract to undertake remodelling and extension works at Riverside Court, Farnham, to deliver two new one-bedroom flats and associated works. 

Members have already considered and approved the delivery of these two homes and associated full project budget at a meeting of Full Council on 13 December 2022.



It is recommended that the Executive approves:

      i.        Entering into a contract with the preferred contractor - Fowler Building Contractors Limited – for the delivery of the works.

    ii.        Entering into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties or agreements) relating to the project; and

   iii.        Giving delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place to enter into the JCT Contract and any associated contracts, in consultation with the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Service and the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery).


The Executive RESOLVED that:

        i.            a contract be entered into with the preferred contractor - Fowler Building Contractors Limited – for the delivery of the works.

    ii.        any related contractual documentation be entered into (including collateral warranties or agreements) relating to the project; and

   iii.        that delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place to enter into the JCT Contract and any associated contracts, in consultation with the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Service and the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery).

[Overview & Scrutiny – Resources Committee]


25.1   Cllr Nick Palmer introduced the report and moved the recommendations which sought approval to enter into a contract to undertake remodelling and extension works at Riverside Court, Farnham, to deliver two new one-bedroom flats and associated works. The principle of delivering these two homes, along with the budget, had been agreed by Council on 13 December 2022 and approval now sought would enable the necessary contracts to be entered into.

25.2   The Executive RESOLVED that:

                 i.            a contract be entered into with the preferred contractor - Fowler Building Contractors Limited – for the delivery of the works.

              ii.            any related contractual documentation be entered into (including collateral warranties or agreements) relating to the project; and

             iii.            that delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place to enter into the JCT Contract and any associated contracts, in consultation with the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Service and the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery).