Issue - meetings

Broadwater Park

Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Executive (Item 16)

16 Broadwater Park



It is recommended that the Executive approve the recommendations set out in the attached Exempt report.

Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to approve the recommendations set out in the Exempt report.


[Overview & Scrutiny – Resources]


Cllr Mark Merryweather introduced the report seeking Executive approval to proceed with a settlement agreement to buy back the lease of the disused golf facility site at Broadwater Park, Godalming. Owning the site outright would enable the Council to undertake remediation works to satisfactorily mitigate the underlying environmental and financial risks to the Council associated with owning a closed landfill site, and to return the land to community use.


The council had been in negotiations with the leaseholder for several years and the proposed settlement agreement was considered to represent a fair resolution for all parties, taking account of value for money and social value.


Cllr Peter Martin had registered to speak on this matter in accordance with Procedure Rule 23.


The Executive RESOLVED to approve the recommendations set out in the Exempt report, and detailed in the Exempt Minute.


Reason for the decision:


In its current state, the former closed landfill site poses a risk both environmentally and financially to the Council. The proposal to buy back the lease and regain control will deliver certainty on the Council’s obligations as landowner of a landfill site. It will also enable the Council to put that land to a use that better meets the wishes and benefit of the community. On 3 May 2022 the Executive resolved to buy back the lease. The Council is now in a position to do this subject to Executive approval.