Issue - meetings

Contract Procurement - Hybrid mail provider

Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Executive (Item 10)

10 Hybrid mail - renewal of contract pdf icon PDF 541 KB

The purpose of the report is to obtain Executive approval for the renewal of the hybrid mail contract.




It is recommended that the Executive approves the renewal of the hybrid mail contract with MBA for a period of two years at a cost of £250,000.


The Executive RESOLVED to approve the renewal of the hybrid mail contract with MBA for a period of two years at a cost of £250,000.


Reason for the decision: To maintain and provide postal services to customers in the most cost effective and efficient manner. After completion of a desk top analysis of providers on the procurement framework, the current provider remains the most cost effective.


[Overview & Scrutiny – Services]


Cllr Peter Clark, Portfolio Holder for Customer Services, Business Transformation and IT, introduced the report which recommended the renewal of the hybrid mail contract with the existing provider, MBA. Hybrid mail was a digital mailing solution that streamlined the process of printing and posting business letters which were then sent to the post office for delivery. Hybrid mail was used primarily for bulk mailings such as council tax or housing rent statements, or garden waste collection renewals.


The budget for the contract was contained within the council’s approved budget, and the alternative to renewing the contract would be to revert to an in-house semi-manual post room operation.


The Executive RESOLVED to approve the renewal of the hybrid mail contract with MBA for a period of two years at a cost of £250,000.


Reason for the decision: To maintain and provide postal services to customers in the most cost effective and efficient manner. After completion of a desk top analysis of providers on the procurement framework, the current provider remains the most cost effective.