Issue - meetings

Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor

Meeting: 21/05/2024 - Council (Item 7.)

Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor

Meeting: 23/05/2023 - Council (Item 5)

Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor


5.1       Cllr Paul Follows proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor, Cllr John Ward, which was seconded by Cllr Michael Goodridge.


5. 2      Cllr John Ward thanked those who had spoken and reflected on his Mayoral year, including the historic events of the death of the Queen and reading of the Proclamation of the Accession of the new King. He thanked all those who had supported him and his charities, including the Past Deputy Mayor Cllr Penny Rivers; Becky Noke, Alice Raines and Chloe Mickiewicz who had helped to organised the Civic Service and the spectacular concert at Frensham Heights School; the Chief Executive, Tom Horwood, and the Leader, Cllr Paul Follows.


5.3       Cllr Ward especially thanked his wife, Gillian, for her steadfast support and company at so many enjoyable and memorable events during the year.